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Guest Book Comments

from the United States

(Also see comments from Hawaii and from Europe... other regions coming soon)

Sherry G. Nix
Very informative. When the Hawaiian Flag appeared, ka maka uwe!

Simon Watts
North Carolina USA
I'm a computer specialist looking to settle in Hawaiiand I would like to wish you all the very best in youraim to restore Hawaii to independence.

Lyle Najita
New York, NY
Rockefeller University
Was kind of homesick and just looking around. Best of luckin your efforts to establish a Hawaiian homeland. Hoping to get 'home' at sometime in my life.

David VanEsselstyn
Fabulous site. Peace.

Franklin P. Gomes
walnut creek, california

Samuel Lee
Bellingham, Washington
Western Washington University
Congratulations on your progress for an independent nation! Growing up in Hawai'i, my fondest memories came from my frequent hunting trips to Molokai and the warm feelings of friendliness I experienced there. I sincerely wish, this movement for independence restores the feeling of family and aloha '\m/' often lost for a lost people.
much love and aloha, ||

Dwayne Allen Locklear
North Carolina (North Carolina State University)
I am from the Lumbee-Cheraw tribe
The mosaic page is a wonderful thing and I hope that you aresuccessful in your quest for sovereignity and self-government.

Jeremy Ray Jenkins
Cambridge, MA
At this point I can neither endorse nor condemn the sovreignty movement, this WWW service is rather helpful. I have become very interested in the Hawai`ian language and culture, and would relish the chance to study it in more depth.

Don Michaels
Oswego, NY
Great job! I especially liked the inclusion of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Cheryl A. Norton
upper peninsula, michigan
I recently moved from Hawaii and am much interested in the sovereignty issue. I am currently researching this topic for a paper I'm doing for an English class.

Jeffrey A. Raymond
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
The European conquest of the colored peoples of the world is one of the greatest Evils possible for intelligent life forms. I wish your peopleand all indigenous peoples the best in our fight for true freedom fromthe powers of imperialism, racism, and greed. It is time for reconciliationand time for this U.S. Government and other oppressive governments to\give back to the people what they so recently stole!
I was in Oahu in april of 94' at which time I learned aboutthe movement of Native Hawaiins to gain independence from the facist white regime.
I instantly understood the cause and the need for its success by any means.I feel that if the oppressors of the world do not realize this soonthese tyrants will fall including those in the U.S. I couldgo on forever but I must get back to work!
P.S. I would like to be kept posted on your progress.Your struggle is so common around the world!Good Journey!

Ernesto Munoz
Madison, NJ
Neat pages!

Lono Hunter
student at Wesleyan
Services like this are really invaluable for students suchas myself who are displaced from Hawaii only by geography. What I have found here will no doubt assist me in my senior thesis on Hawaiian Sovereignty.

Patrick L. Burke
Newport, Rhode Island
Your organization is completely new to me. Having visited your wonderful area three times, I will be most interested in your progress.

Dr. Teremce M. Liu
Washington, DC
Very important issues and discussions here.
Hope to get educated here and to see how I can help.

Joseph William Stroup
Phoenix, Az
This is an excellent service !

Mr. Chris Hall
California, USA
Mahalo for creation of this server, it is of interest to me as I have been a frequent visitor to Hawai'i for over 25 years ( the "real" Hawai'i and not the manufactured one).
Good luck and keep up the good work.

Peter Greenberg
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Thank you for informing me about the background of the independence movement. As a haole who loves Hawai'i, it's interesting to read the truth about what happened so long ago.

Shawn Kemp
The Hawaiian sovreignty is a great cause and I supportit fully. As a former resident of Hawaii I am with themovement one hundred percent.
Great Job!!!
Shawn Kemp

Lise D. McGrew
Los Angeles
I am a local girl, born and raised in Honolulu. I would like to say that I am delighted to see that the Nation is on the internet, utilizing the 90's resources. Hopefully this and other devices will better educate the world-at-large about the true ideas behind the nation, not just half-baked stereotypical ideas.

Arthur David Perkins
Los Angeles California
Seeing this makes me proud to be a Hawaiian!!!
Please keep up the good work and spread message around!
Arthur Perkins

Mark Napier
southern California
I have added your home page to my hotlist. I'm looking forward to learning about freedom. I'm particularly interested in plans for governing after victory is acheived.

Deborah Jang
Boulder, Colorado
interested in sovereignty issues and ways a "mainlander" can be involved

David Winfield
Roaring Brook, PA
This is great! thanks for the tour.

Dan Pacheco
Denver, Colorado
It's about time someone with a good cause started using the Web. Good luck!

Lopaka Leimana Faria Jr.
Hapa Hoale - Hele au i ke kula nui o Kaleponi Long Beach
Long Beach, Kaleponi - Loko
Aloha Kokua,
This is a wonderful service! God bless you for your efforts!
Malama Pono....Hoi Hou. Aloha pumehana.
Can I Come home now?

mark leong
Savannah, GA
Born and raised in Honolulu, left to work in aerospace industry for major corporate business jet manufacturer. Very interested in Hawai'iana especially while in public school. I am very interested to hear about Hawai'ian Sovereignty.

Raydeen C. Thompson
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Concerned native hawaiian now living in the mainland and would like to network with other native hawaiians anywhere in the world in order to maintain our connectiveness. Have relocated here as the public schools are superior to both public and private schools in the islands. We continue our cultural practices here as well as gain fruitful academic pursuits without the constant oppressive harrassment we have endured as native hawaiians on the homelands and within the outer communities of Hawai'i. We are hopeful of continued personal growth and spiritual evolution such that we can continue to contribute more fully toward effectuating positive economic and social change for native hawaiians. Please feel free to write me as I am indeed anxious to move forward in establishing communication on current issues and more importantly finding resolve to them with all the resources now available throughout the world at our finger tips...

Benamin Taggart
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY, USA
Before today I was unaware of any movement to secure independence for Hawai'i , even though i was a visitor to your Islands some time ago.

Brian Richard Williams
University of Miami School of Law Library
Coral Gables, FL
This is a wonderful cite for current information; I found you via NETSCAPE while constructing a Native American legal research pathfinder.
Good Luck! Aloha!

William W Beard
Vancouver, WA
Go for it!

Clay Freeman
Eugene, OR U.S.A.
Glad to see you on the Net. Hope the world can help in restoring sovereignty.

Kevin Douglas Hockley
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
I am from Kailua, O'ahu, and currently a student at the University of Oregon. I'm extremely interested in obtaining any info regarding the Sovereignty movement. I'm currently involved in a group project to study and present our findings to an Ethnic Studies class (Asian American Experience).

Marcy-Lynn Ku'uiponani Almadova
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Aloha, My friend Holly just showed me how to get on this server. It's so good knowing that even though you're away from home there are still programs like these to remind me of Hawaii. Mahalo a hui hou.

Kevin Conklin
New York State, USA
VERY interesing stuff. Thanks.

Mitch Leventhal
University of Chicago
Washington, DC
Very interesting page. I have included this home page among those linked on my Microstate Resources home page, MR is designed for people interested in national development issues associated with very small and island nations.

Richard & Barbara Wall
Dallas, Texas
Congratulations, its long overdue!!!!! How do we apply for a passport?

Richard Covert
Houston, TX
Just discovered this WEB Page. As a U.S. citizen I am comming to terms with the concept of an independent Hawaii.
Justice dictates that you receive it. I hope someday that our two peoples can meet each other on an even basis.

John Lawton Mobley
Atlanta, Georgia
My mother's family lost all of its property on Hilton Head Island, SC, during the Civil War, where the Harbor Town golf course now sits. Deeds were lost when Sherman torched Beaufort. So, while I am very glad that the South lost the war and that much progess has been made racially and economically since then, when I first heard about the Hawaiian sovereignty movement my first reaction was to say to myself, "Now, where did I put that Confedereate money?"
:^) Still, while I may not agree w/ all of your goals, I think that the issues you raise are worthy of attention and some should be acted upon immediately. Cheers! Keep me in touch! -- An Hawaii lover, Mobs

Dr. John T. Carlock
Columbus, Ohio
Please place me on your mailing list. I'd like to compliment this organization on its excellent WWW page!

Nelson K Nakaya
As a part Hawaiian and former/future Kauai native I really enjoyed reading your articles.

Addison K. Watanabe
san francisco state university
It was wonderful to see a home page from the nation of my birth. I miss the wonderful things that are found in the islands. Here on the Mainland, people look at me and say that I am an Asian American..but in reality my heart belongs to the islands and I tell them that I am a Pacific Islander who just happens to have ancestors from Japan.

Paul Wickersham
Northwestern University
Chicago Illinos
I had no idea this was going on in Hawai'i now, although I have wondered if it was a legitimate action when Hawai'i became a state. Please keep me up to date on your progress.

philip a hubert III
portland oregon
i was stationed in hawaii for 3 years and it is a beautiful state and i wish you all the luck getting your freedom

Jamie Walker
Menlo Park, CA, USA
Great site! Very well done and informative.
I'm a white boy, but would be happy to see all the indigenous nations restored.

Celestina Iwalani Baptiste Gauna
Cupertino, CA, USA
I really enjoyed your pages!
It is nice to see my bradhs and titas making some waves on the net!

Jeffrey M. Hahn
Binghamton, NY
I just had a moment to look around. I hadn't realized what was going on in Hawaii. I'm interested to know how separate nation status would affect non native people, and those who would like to immigrate there.

Curtis D. Nii
Hawaii No Ka Oi!

G. Sean Singh
Rochester, NY
I'll be visiting Kauai next week.
I've heard alot of good things about the nation...
I can't wait to get there, and probably won't want to leave.

Jeff GalvinMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA USA
Congratulations and good luck!

Sandra Ke
Atlanta, GA
Thanks! Enjoyed the information!

York and Paula Wong
The Evergreen State College
Washington State
This is great! We spent half a year on the Big Island while York taught at UH Hilo. We miss the islands, hope the sunshine can get through to Seattle over Internet!

Dr. Stephen K. Boss
North Carolina State University
North Carolian, USA
Thank you for this intesting web site!

Jonathan Reynolds
Chicago Illinois
I'm interested in your struggles for independence.
What is the relationship between your struggle for national sovereignty and the re-establishment of your indigeonous relgious and spiritual traditions?

George A Corbin
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas, USofA
I enjoyed touring your land and the help you provided in navigating Mosaic. Your land has always fascinated my wife and myself. I intend to bring her to the office and let her tour as well. Thank you, George

Douglas P. Flythe
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Though I knew very little of the illegal overthrow I do not find it surprising in light of similar moves by the U.S. goverment during the "Manifest Destiny" period. Good luck with the move towards independence.

Leslie L. Bush
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN USA
Loved the "canoe plants" section"!

Robert Keoni Cole
Claremont, California and Pukalani- Maui
yes! It makes me happy to see your pages in cyberspace

Robin Spalding (aka Marshall Stax)
Berkeley, CA
I'm glad this site is here... I totally support the sovereignty movement in Hawai'i!

Candy Copeland
Long Beach, Calif. USA
Interesting! Educational. Stoped by to save some info to take over to my mother-in-law tomorrow, who is Hawaiian, this is nice. Aloha.

Samuel W. Lee
Western Washington University
Western Washington
Being originally from Mililani, I wish to congratulate you on your recentachievements. Growing up, I remember the struggles of the native hawaiiansfrom the Sand Island to the Eva beach squatters. I have lived on themainland now for several years for both school and work. Living now in a small predominately hoale town, I can somewhat imagine the generations offrustrations the native hawaiians must feel from both mainlanders and residents.
I am hoping to return someday and anticipating the see the recent changes.If I may offer one suggestion, the Hawaiian people are unique; Citizenshipin the new Hawaiian Nation for residents (non-hawaiian blood) should be onthe line of native american citizenship in the U.S. The Nation of Hawai'i should be made for, made by, governed by the native hawaiians. Native hawaiians carry a distinct heritage which should be honored by both foreigners and residents alike.
It is my wish to be a part of your new Nation and any help or assistance fromme will be given willingly.
May your Honor, Pride, and Glory
go with my Love and Aloha,

David Hammer
Eagan, MN
I found this to be very interesting reading and will come again to find out how your cause is going.

Vicente Ernesto Garces
University of Oregon School of Law Library
Eugene, OR
Congratulations on an excellent Web site! I'm alerting the folks at our law school about your site. Best of luck in future development of your site!

Ruth Mastron
San Diego CA
Very enlightening and impressive!

Ellen Louise Falls
The Sage Colleges
Troy, New York, USA
I hope that you are successful in winning independence for your nation.

Randall K. Quan
Hanover, New Hampshire
This is a great resource for us Hawaiians living far from home.
Mahalo pumehana.

seamus riordan kelly tinner munoo(pouhow)
The united clans(pouhow,calay,shabernick)
they took are land too we had two small islands of the coast of alaska

Paul Robb
Sacramento, CA
Aloha and Mahalo from one of your kindred spirits. I was last in your Nation on January 21, 1995 when the weather was a balmy 83 degrees and the trades were a blowin' All is well in California, and I await my next passage to your lovely locale.

Gerry Grant
Newport Beach, CA
I have been a student of Hawaii's history for some time and agree with the conclusion that the islands were seized improperly.
One has to look at the possible cosequences of that not having happened to appreciate the benifits that have been reaped.
Russia, England, Japan and other nations coveted the Hawaiian islands strategic position. Examine the economics of other islands in the Pacific and the Carribean to see what fate has spared the natives of your wonderful islands. Haiti is an example of what Hawaii could become.
I have always had the feeling that I was in a foreign country the numerous times I have visited, as far back as 1959, but with the exception thatthe island was clean, unlike the trash that lines the roads in the British Virgin Islands, and that the ecomomy was strong with low unemployment.But best of all that the culture of the natives had been preserved better than anywhere I had ever visited.
I apologize for the typos, I usualy depend on spellchecker. I wish you the best for Hawaii, and the people who live on those islands. Aloha

Tom Vaughan
Mancos, Colorado
Great to find this! I especially enjoyed Lynton Dove White's tour of the canoe plants. Well done; a great use of the Web to provide information. And great to see it coming out of Hana! I was the first Kipahulu District Ranger of Haleakala National Park and lived about 3 years in Heavenly Hana. Fondest period in my life. Great people! Keep up the good work.

Kevin Quinn
Don't the descendants of the missionaries own most of theland in Hawai'i? Considering what it has been worth tothem, they might not give it up that easily, and considering they are protected currently under U.S. law,they might not want to risk it all by leaving the Union.I wish you all the best.

Michael Ka Puna 'Olu Ruiz
Sacramento, CA
I am very interested in keeping up to date with anything pertinent with our situation.
Although I haven't been actively dancing for the past three years that I have been going to school, I still try to keep abreast of the changes affecting Hawai'i Nei.
I am so happy that I found this service, please keep me informed and I will do my best to spread the word here on the mainland.

Mitchell Horowitz
I believe that you are correct in your assesment of the Hawaiian Nation.I would miss having thee Hawaiian Islands as part of the USAbut then I would be able to visit another "foreign" countryin my world travels!
Good luck!

David Beachley
Denver, Colorado
Best wishes from someone who appreciates "real" Hawaiianculture and not what has been cooked up by the tourist bureau (and the Polynesian Cultural Center) over the pastdecades. Good luck!

Marty Hammers
Please keep me on your mailing list. I am interested in relocating to Hawaii and am intrigued by the alternative communities you are founding there.

Michael Holcomb
Santa Cruz, CA
I support the right for a free and independent Hawai'i to exist on and in it's legitimate home lands.

Richard Puffer
University of Delaware
Delaware, East Coast United States
I am glad to see this WWW up. I was stationed in Hawai'i with the Navy and found your Islands the mist beautiful I had ever been to. Please send me information on your cause. All peoples should have the right to determine their destiny. I am involved with the Scottish National Party which seeks to seperate Scotland from Great Britain, so I know the felling of fighting against a majority that is also a tyranny. Good Luck in your cause!

James Vanlandingham
Odessa, TX
I fully support your organization. Hawaii, and all other areas of the world, have an inalienable right to self-government and self-determination. This is one of the principles on which the United States was founded, and the US committed a horrific injustice when it denied this right to your nation. I wish you success.

S. Munnell
Woodbridge, VA
Excellent design and layout. Rich with information, especiallythe full text of primary source material.

joe guido
Rochester, NY
Go for it ...

George Synowiec
Valparaiso University
Indiana, USA
Excellant service. I knew nothing about the movement forindependence until I accessed this service. I'm afraid Ihave spent too much time on it! Seeing the pictures mademe wish I was there again.

Kent, Ohio U.S.A. (near Akron/Clevland)
Very interesting - I have never heard of your plans to free Hawaii. I visited Hawaii in 1992 & could never understand how/why the U.S. was not called to be accountable for its takeover actions.

David T. Murray
New Jersey
I've read about the Hawaiian takeover in Aloha Airlines magazines, but have seen little other information outsideof that. This site provides clear position.
As (currently fellow) US citizen I wonder whether there is an acceptable "Middle Ground" to separation from US to acheive national soveriegnty. As Europe combines a commonmarket (while fighting national battles) and America isgetting together in NAFTA, and Asia is looking toward economic consolidation, would Hawaii's separation from US be risky for economic survival?
I've read how the transition from Kingdom to Territory was wrong, but I do not understand how the subsequent vote forstatehood is invalid or immoral. It was held generationsafter the takeover. I hope to learn your views on this matter through this URL.

Mike McDermott
University of Southern Maine Library
Portland, ME, USA
I grew up in Kailua, (from 6 months old through college atUH) but have since moved up here to mMaine. I've been tryingto keep up on what has been happening with the soveriegntyissue, so was really glad to see the announcement of theNation of Hawai'i web page.

Todd Spindler
Miami, Florida
Interesting stuff! I was surprised that it has received solittle press coverage out here in the East. I passed theURL on to a friend in the US Virgin Islands. He mentionedthat they had a similar referendum recently, but that thenumber of votes registered did not reach the requiredminimum to become official.

Joselivio D. Ventura Jr.
University of Southern Californaia
Los Angeles, California

Henry Kamahoahoa Fata
UCLA Pacific Islander's Student Association
Los Angeles, California
Please e-mail me or send any more information regarding your organization. The students here would be very delighted.

tony ciccone
redmond, wa, usa
Very very cool pages. Can't wait to browse more.

Julliet N. Mayinja
University of Notre Dame
I impressed with the information about Hawaii, infact in sucha short time I can claim I alot about the place!
I'm trying to do some research on the legality of the US annexation of the Island. Do you have any recommendations?
Thank you.

Curtis Nii
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces NM, USA
I just wanted to say that I am proud to be a HAWAIIAN CITIZEN. Born and raised on the island of O'ahu.

Brian Colavito
New Jersey, USA
Good luck!

Marc Curry
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
I'm impressed with the data transfer rates between Hawaiiand North Carolina and especially the "data" you have for me to look at! Hawaii is well represented on the WWW.
Nice job!

Chris "Chrispy" Payne
Seattle Wa USA (but I'd rather be home in Hawai`i)
Best of Luck!!
I'm so homesick right now I can't stand it!

Gunter Zielke
Los Angeles, California
I like these tendencies to independance.
Please continue!

Ramiel A. & Rosemarie A. LeFebvre
University of Phoenix
Tempe, Arizona
Congratulations, I can't believe this is the first I have heard of this. I apologize for the ignorance of my race. White people have always considered themselves to be civilized and all other races to be savage. Like most negatively based entities they always have accused others of what they guilty of themselves.
May the Spirit of your people gain strength in its reborn freedom. May your ancestors awake from their long sleep and walk in harmony with your children.
God Bless.

Michael Holcomb
Santa Cruz, California
Thanks for providing a source of information concerning the rebirth of your nation. I see no other notice of your progress other than here. My wife and I both support your efforts to reclaim and govern your islands. Good luck and Mahalo.

Birger Selaand
Long Island New york
just wanted to say I enjoyed the program you have here.

Joseph McDonald
Aurora, IL USA
I'm glad the Internet allows me to "stumble" upon suchinteresting information about different people and culture.My wife and I will visit Hawai'i in Dec '95. We look forward to experiencing all that I am finding on "the net."
Thank you.

Larry Rymal
Piney Woods of East Texas

Mrs. Broaddus' Class
Gates Elementary
Davison, Michigan USA
We are having a lu'au next week in our class. We have been studying Hawaii for the past 2 months. We would love some information on Hawaiian games and foods. We have 30 booksabout Hawaii, and none have traditional dances. Thank you!

Mark David Aukeleimoanaliha Barville
Southern California
I am so pleased to see that your efforts are done with so muchtrue aloha, warmth, integrity, and commitment to goodness and wholesome respect for all people! The greatness, simplicity,and spirit of healthy and balanced relationship to nature which the Hawaiian culture has historically demonstrated, can all beincredibly positive influences on the whole world culture right now!I certainly hope that you folks can be a truly positive and sensitiveinfluence in Hawaii in protecting nature, guarding what is left of theland and sea, protecting sacred forests, aenchialine ponds, streams,and other beautiful areas, from careless or thoughtless development,so that this wonder can be shared, treasured, and loved by futurehumans. Congratulations on your fine www pages!

Pat Masiello
Washington state
Only word that describes: beautiful. Well done in every facit.

Stephen Goldschmidt
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN
Just looking around for some information about possible reparations to be be paid to native Hawaiians by the American government as a result of the occupation by American Marines.

Daryl DesPres
National Institutes of Health
Very interesting presentation. Being a Native American, I'mpleased to see the number of tribes using the internet tocommunicate globally.

Don Robin
Louisiana Dep't of Environmental Quality
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Good luck in your attempts for autonomous rule. If you have an e-mail list, I would like to be included.

Peter Fardal
Fort Collins, Colorado
I would like to know what stand the Nation of Hawai'i takes on Sovernty. I have heard many different views on the topic and would like to know the views of the Nation.

Victoria S. Brewington
Vancouver, WA
Thank you for this page. We are so involved, here on the mainland, with our own problems of sovernity we forget about our brothers and sisters across the water.

Christine Gordon
Northern California
Loved browsing and will be visiting the big Island in April! Thanks so much.

Kaaihaole K. Cobb-Adams
I am glad I found this page cause it is nice to be able to keep upwith what's going on. This is a really well organized page andI plan to tell some of my friends about it.

Keoni James Kuoha
University of Notre Dame, Indiana, U.S.A.
Thank you for this service. It was hard for me to leave Hawai`i in the first place. I did not want to lose all contact with the sovereignty movement. Now I hope to keepat least partially up to date on these issues which i am planning my life around. A hui hou and thank you again.

Jim Pizor
Cupertino, Califonia, USA
Best wishes for a successful recovery. I think that creating a "new" Hawaii based on the old values is very sensible and I hope you will succeed.I hope that haoles will continue to be welcome in the emerging Hawaii, you have a lovely place and a lovely history of welcoming hospitality.

David P. Muth
Colorado, USA
Best luck! I hope you get restitution as well as restored rights.

Sheila Caim
West Virginia
Wow! I didn't know anything about the independence movement.May what ever is just come about in peace.

Dr. Earl Zablackis
Athens Georgia USA
I like your home page. I lived and studied in Hawai'i for 5 years (at UH).I have a masters degree from the Botany Dept. and my expertise is limu.I don't know for sure but I think you have received very littlenational press, in fact, I didn't know much about the independence movementuntil I started "surfing" the net (not as much fun as surfingthe south shore in summer). I would like to be updated frequently as to the current state of affairs for the new Nation of Hawai'i.

Brian Fellows
New England
Be careful, you might get what you're asking for!

Professor Harold L. Orbach
Department of Sociology, Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas
I am very interested in the entire process of the attempt to reconstruct the Hawai'ian nation

Dennis Sanchez Sabug
Forest Grove, Oregon
Aloha Kanaka Maoli. I would just like to say that what you are doing is exactly what's right for Hawai'i. I hope that your people will get your rightful land back. If there is any way that I can help, I sure would be more than glad to do it. I support the Kanaka Maoli all the way.

robert nero
university of colorado at denver
denver, colorado, usa
Keep up the good work. I would like to see discussion pertaining to what is happening now and in the future on Kahoolawe. Mahalo! Lopaka.

Alan Gregory Ray
Southern U.S.
Very good and well put together homepage. I found the information here of much interest.
Keep up the good work.

Susan Bornt
Washington, DC
How great to see something from the Islands on-line. Since I I used to live there, this is my way of still staying intouch. Keep up the great work. Aloha!

Mark Troy
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
This is a terrific home page. The article on canoe plants is very well done.I also like the links to the Hawaiian Voyaging Society Page. I plan to look in on this page often.
Mahalo for doing it.

Lance Michael Foster
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
I am a member of the Iowa Tribe and I find your resource to be an inspiration to the efforts of all native peoples.

gregory d. ball
south bend, indiana
poi needs water. water needs land. land needs political power and vice-versa. your solution to this is evident.

John Swartz
Bemidji State University
Bemidji, MN USA
Aloha,I've been following the discussions in ACH. This is myfirst, but not last, visit to this homepage. You've done a nice job with this information. I lived on Maui for a couple years in the late seventies, I don't get back very often but try to keep up through the papers and now on the net. Mahalo.

Joyce Reed
Brown University
Providence Rhode Island
this is wonderful -- I am from the Big Island -- 10 years in Ahualoa, 10 in Kamuela

David Michael Henderson
Santa Clara, CA
I'm starved for information about the issues of Hawaii.

Tad Duet
Nashville, Tennessee
I'm amazed that the news media has not reported on this! I hope that things work out well for Hawaii! My wife and I very much enjoyed our visit to your beautiful islands and hope that we might be able to return someday.God bless you!

Joseph S. Bilotta
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, USA
I had an opportunity to spend 6 weeks in Hawaii while my wifewas on assignment in Oahu. During this time I was free to explore the culture and beauty of the various islands. From backpacking through Volcanoes National Park to doing volunteerwork with the RED CROSS when INIKI struck Kauai. It was a memorable experience which I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Although, I'd often wonder what the islands would look like if still in their pristine form. Before nations ripped Her apart in the struggle to control the Pacific. Before the mega-resorts and huge land fills, before the water pollution and large cities. To be able to stand on a beautiful white sand beach and watch the humpback whales breach in the channel will take your breath away. I wish there was a way to return Hawaii to its native people and to the raw beauty it oncewas. I wish you the best in your endevors, may you one day see success. Mahalo for sharing your beautiful islands withmy wife and I.

Marie Reukauf
Vero Beach, FL
Although I live on the mainland, my sister lives on Maui and I try to visit on a regular basis. Hawaii and its people are very special to me. I wish much success in achieving the goals of the majority.

Victor Felix
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
This web site is outstanding! Great job with the graphics and awesome links!

Lawrence Hunter, PhD.
Washington, DC
I personally support Hawaiian independence. I lived on theBig Island 1982-82, and hope to move back someday.

John Bates
New Hampshire (New England/ northeastern us)
I liked the Canoe Plants.

Kent Crispin
San Francisco Bay Area
I hope you are successful, and, presuming that you are, Ihope you will allow me to visit once in a while -- theHawaiian islands are surely one of the chosen places onearth, and the Aloha spirit is something that all mankindcan learn from.

Phil Anderson for Bae, Daniel Jin
St.Cloud State Univ & Becker Elementary
please send us more information about the Nation of Hawaii. ...thanks for you page we support your efforts, we are originally from the Republic of Korea

Jim Ague
Colorado Springs, CO
Nice Web page, but what's going on here? Is there movementafoot for Hawaii to succeed from the USA?

Mark Kalaionamaunahuihui Ellis
My Tutu was Auntie Mary Lee from Molokai, and she taught me a lot about being a hawaiian, and now she is gone so I read and take in knowledge from others.

Esther Pan
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA
I am a student at Stanford University. I am coming to Hawaii in the summer and am very interested in learning more about the sovereignty movement and the situation of native Hawaiians. I'd appreciate any suggestions for further readings or research. Mahalo.

Paul Haytas
pacific northwestern u.s.a
very interesting!

Ben Syverson
Austin, TX
Cool page! Very well thought-through! Thanks for a great additionto the web.

Darrell Richard Kalealoha Russell Jensen
Would like info and application for citizenship and other pertinent info.

Richard Lee
Cincinnati, OH
Having done my history thesis on the annexation of Hawaii, I have always thought the people of Hawaii--Hawaiians--have received a very raw deal. What are the chances oftrue Hawaiian Independence, Hawaiian Sovereignty? Should itbe put on the ballot for a referendum, or is it purely fortrue Hawaiians to decide? What about making sure that existing ing laws be used to treat Hawaiians fairly? I am interestedin learning more about your movement.

Ian Kanair
University of Oregon Law School
Eugene, OR
I am a student at the UO Law School and would like to keep apprised of the issues of the Nation.

Kenneth E. Hass
Memphis (Detroit Suburb) Michigan.
I want to visit someday...
I like the page, it is very helpful in looking at Hawaii and I use it for other links also...

Alva-Erika Malia Kaneaiakala
northern California
I would like to learn more about Hawaiian traditions.

Elizabeth Ann Johnston
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Thanks for reminding the world...

Donna and Mike Lloyd
Portland, OR
Donna is a decendent of the Kekoanui family and is a cousin of Keleo Patterson, director of the Hawaiian Ecumenical Coalition. We have become very close followers of the movement even before visiting Oahu a month ago. Mike is a photojournalist researching a possible grant to finance a documentary photography project on Hawaiian's attempts to reclaim their home.

Stein Erik Gabrielsen
Green Bay, Wisconsin
I first learned about the sovereignty movement reading an interview with Keiko Bonk prior to the elections. At the time I was planning to buy land and spend my life surfing & windsurfing in your paradise. After learning the truth about Hawai'ian "statehood", I realized that it would be wrong for me to "own" your land. I believe that if there were more publicity on the mainland, it would be helpful to sway public opinion.( nobody that I have spoken to here has any knowledge of the truth, though the majority agree with me that you deserve soverignty once they have been educated) Good luck in the election, Aloha, Stein

Iliani MAtisse/Anne Richards
San Anselmo, CA
Great to find you here!

Barry Prindle
Although we (us European types) stole the islands fair and square, it's way past time to give it back to the Kama aina.
I've visited the islands four times now and like it better every time, I'd like to visit it some day using my passport.

Ben Bayol
San Francisco, CA
Just beginning to learn about something I and lots of other folks should have learned long ago

Paul Sears
University of Houston
Houston, Texas
Great stuff!

Jonathan S. Harada
Hawaii no ka oi!

James Aldridge
Fort Worth, Texas, USA
I was born at Tripler Army Hospital in 1953 of US parents. How might my citizenship be effected if Hawaii were to obtain independence? Interesting business. I admit to not being very well informed about the current independence movement. Hawaii was a territory of the US when I was born there.

Jared M. Held
state Citizens Service Centers
California state
I support your movement

Lily Lau-Enright
Calif. State Univ. Sacramento
Sacramento CA
I believe in your goals and support all your efforts to regain sovereignty. My family loves Hawaii and wish to help you preserve its beauty, heritage, and culture in any way we can.

Eric Rehm
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility/Seattle
Seattle, WA
As I was planning a vacation trip to Hawai'i (Kuia'i orMoloka'i).I'm concerned about the impact that tourism has had on Hawai'i. As an activist in various union and peace & justice strugglesin the State of Washington, as well as doing grass rootsorganizing to develop a grassroots (as opposed to corporate)vision of what the "Info Highway" will be, I wanted tolearn more about Hawai'i's struggle for sovereignty.I'd like to know what I can do as a "responsible" touristwho'd like to visit the last week of July 1995. Are thereSovereignty activists who would provide B&B-like accomodation?(At least my $$$ would be going to a better place.)Or any other suggestions you might have for a state-sidetraveller to Hawai'i?I'll be bringing my 13-year old daughter, who I am tryingto teach respect for other cultures and self-determination.We had planned to do many day hikesWhat else do you suggest that I visit or involve her withduring our week stay?Thanks for the tremendous effort you've done on the Nation of Hawai'i WWW pages.

Carwil James
Peace Project, SEED - Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
It's nice to see you on the Web.

Lori S. Bushman
Frankfort, Indiana
great page!
Native Americans at Dartmouth
hanover, New Hampshire
I recently attended the Hawaiian sovreignty symposium at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. I was very interested in learning more about Hawai'i. I am Anishinabe (Native of mainland!) from Wisconsin originally, but I go to school here at Dartmouth. Many of my friends, including my man, are Kanaka Maoli since they are considered Native Americans at Dartmouth. I vistited my boyfriend last summer, and I loved your land. His father lives in Palolo Valley, so I visited there. He lives with his mother in Wailuku, so I stayed there. I went to Hana, and I loved it. Keep fighting for it, its worth the pain, time, and effort and it is something your children will never forget. When you get control of your land always remember that your grandparents (ancestors) did not loan you the land, you are borrowing it from your grandchildren. So clean it up and take care of it. Your people, language, and dances are beautiful and I hope you keep them all alive. Ok, ive taken up enough space here so A hui ho

Anchorage, AK USA
Thanks for all the info. My wife used it to do a term paper on the sovereignty of Hawaii. Your server made her job alot easier to do research.

Cynthia Sura
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I am writing a paper on Hawaiian sovereignty for aSocial-Political Philosophy course at University ofColorado. The amount of info your service provides isastounding! It will all be very useful to me.Keep up the good fight!!

Norman S. Stahl (aka: Nolemana Kila)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California
This is an interesting development in the history of Hawai'i!My wife and I have considered Hawaii our spiritual home sincewe first visited Oahu in 1969 while I was on R & R from VietNam. We lived in Kailua ("Enchanted Lakes") from 1978 to 1981 and left only because the U. S. Marine Corps ordered me to North Carolina. We visit almost every year and intend toreturn to Hawaii to live when I finsih my doctorate. Can a Haole become part of the restored nation of Hawai'i ? or iscitizenship limited to descendants of the original Hawaiianpeople?

Shereen M. Banks
New York/New Hampshire
I was very interested to find this. I lived on Maui for 12 years and grew up loving the islands. What has been done to the islands in support of the tourism industry horrifies me everytime i return to visit my family in the islands. It is my hope that maybe someday sovereingty will be restored and some rectification of the islands will be able to happen.

Daniel Negrillo
Travis AFB CA
I would like more information on Hawaii independence. I was born in Hawaii in 1959 and am currently in the US Air Force stationed in California.

Robbin Chapman
Cambridge, MA
This was a very interesting and informative page. Loved theaudio greeting and the gif links.
Good Luck!

Dallas D. Fuller
Massena, NY 13662
This looks like a very interesting place!

William W. Baden
Fort Wayne, IN USA
Continued success!

John Albert Flores
I don't think Hawaiian independence will happen in mylifetime. But then I never thought it would be a stateto begin with!
Good Luck people.

Lawrence A. Martin
The University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon, USA
This is an intriguing concept that bears observation.

David Klein
Soutwest Texas State University
Aloha Kakou,
Howzit gangee? Not gone just lost in Texas. Congratulations on passing a constitution. I hope to hear more from you folks (that's ya'll) in Texan!

David Klein
Soutwest Texas State University
It has been too long since I have seen the shores of Kaho'olawe. Congratulations on the new Constitution.Please let me know "whas up"!

Sarah Patrick
Wellesley College
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Wonderful Service!!! I can pretend I am in Hawaii evenwhen I am actually stuck inside taking finals! ;)

Tariq M. Haniff
San Francisco Bay Area, Ca
Recently read about the imprisonment Lilliokulani and the events leading up to annexation (from Liholiho to present).
My family's from Fiji Isl. which just got it's independence from Britain in 1972.

Bernard Kubiak
Belchertown, Ma. 01007
My best wishes!

David G Doren
Minnesota, USA
I am very interested in your independance movement, WhileI basically consider myself to be a Minnesotan, I was born in Honolulu and have been back to Hawaii several times. I donot have enough information about what you are doing and whyto make any further comments at this time.

Matthew E. Lockwood
SF, California
Keep up the good work. I would love to see the Hawai'ian nation achieve it's goals in my lifetime. What can I do to help?I am also interested in volunteer/social work in Hawai'i.

Rodney L. Cornelius
New Jersey
I support your becoming an independant nation-state. Best of luck.If there is a way I can help from here (eg writing a letter)please let me know.

Garry Teddie Lee
Montgomery, Alabama
I lived in Hawaii from Jan 73 to Jan 78. I lived on Komo Mai Drive in Pearl City, then on Hickam AFB. My children attended Mokulele Elementary School on Hickam. My wife, my family and I loved our stay there. We visited all of the major islands. Hawaii is the most beautiful place we have ever been. The people were wonderful. It is an experience we will always feel blessed for being able to experience. ALOHA to the people of Hawaii.Garry Lee

Michael Fisher
Drew University
New Jersey
Very interesting -- I just started to learn about Hawai'issoverignity and it's very intriguing.
I can't believe I haven't read anything in the newspaper about this...

Jack Follansbee
New Hampshire
I fully support the rights of people to make their own laws and govern themselves. The federal govenrment has faroverstepped it's bounds as established by the constitution,and as such must either amend it's ways or let states withdraw from the union.
Good luck.

John V Servantes
U S Air Force
Melbourne Florida
I'm a local boy born and raised. I've been away from homefor 13 years but would like to keep up with the local news.Went to St Joseph's in Waipahu, then on to Damien ('72 grad)Miss home, the grinds, and friends. Please send me anythingabout the islands - also need info on how to keep up withthe music. I need point of contact on how to order music.Would also like to get instructional books on how to playslack key. I've been into Hawaiian music after leaving theislands. Like a lot of locals who leave the islands, I tookthings for granted. But now I would like to keep whateverI learned and pass it on to my kids

Bernard Bene
Columbia University
New York, NY
Thank you for the history lesson; the more truth emerges, the better.

Santiago Rodriguez-Sallaberry
Boise, Idaho
It is fantastic that the "Hawaiian People" have thisopportunity to spread to the World that you are stillalive, that there is hope that your culture will notbe lost.

Gary D. Landis
Santa Rosa California
Aloha, I used to live on kauai before Iniki and plan on moving to Maui in December. What is a good source on the internet to locate employment on the island. Also, how can I help San Fransisco Bay Area Hawaiians interested in the Nation of Hawai'i Movement via the internet or otherwise ? Mahalo,

Victoria A. DeLeo
Manchester, CT
Fantastic www pages! Exactly what I was looking for to keep current about events in Hawaii. I am so sick of looking something up on Hawaii and anticipating finding something cultural, historical, etc. and finding nothing but travel info! So happy I found you!

Marek Nowicki
University of Southern California
Los Angeles
send me your flag
thank you!!

Kevin Barthelemy
Champaign, Illinois
I just found out about this stuff (funny how people don'tlike to admit their government is criminal) Good luck!

Jennifer Nalani Thorne
University of Maryland at Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland
This is fantastic!! I was born in Hawai'i back in '66. I wish the Hawaiians all the luck in gaining their independence and sovereignty.

Angus B. Grieve-Smith
New York City
Good luck with your independence! And peace.

Harro Zimmermann
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin USA
I support your efforts and wish you well. Aloha!

James Lenaburg
Keller, Texas
Congratulations on your new constitution and freedom.

Steve Kreiter
Olympia, WA
Great HomePage! We're frequent visitors to Hawai'i and have every intention of supporting the Nation of Hawai'i!

Paul Weimer
Fascinating! Surprised it hasn't made any of the "cool sites of the day" yet...

Ron Romano
Connecticut, USA
I look forward to the just resolution of your status as aSovereign Nation. While the States of the mainland cannotmake the same case as Hawai'i, I hope that your actions willset an example for increased independence within the bordersof the U.S.
By the way, your Web Pages are Excellent, also!

Steve Bramham
Smyrna, Georgia (near Atlanta)
Congratulations. I was a resident of Hawai'i for eight years and miss the islands.
I would love to return some day. My wife is of Japanese ancestry but born and raised in Hawai'i. Her family is still living on Oahu.
I look forward to hearing more of your progress and accomplishments.
Mahalo and Aloha

Larry Patrick Maloney
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I support your drive for independance.

Sharon Burns
Beautiful home page...I haven't browsed the whole thing yet, but it looks great! I had no idea Hawaii wanted independencefrom the "mainland"

Don Sheldon
Freepore, New York
I wish you success in your effort. I have a background in public finance and I will assist you in any way I can. You shall have your independence.

Lisa Lovell
Aloha. It is great to see a Hawaiian sovereignty page! I am from Hawai'i, living on the east coast. I heard about your web site on the ireland list. Mahalo nui loa. Lisa

Robert Patrick Garrett
Cumming Georgia in the United States
Very, Very intesting.

carol kealoha
Boulder, Colorado
I really enjoy surfing the net Hawaiian style.

Jennifer Haro
student at Washington University
St. Louis, MO
I was very pleased to find your page while browsing. I am attending collegeon the mainland, but went to high school in Hawaii and felt like I didn't learn enough Hawaiian history in school, at least not a very accurate version. I found your page very informative and I feel as thoughI understand the issues much better now and have a better appreciattion foryour endeavors. Good luck.

Art Baker
Ojai, CA
Welcome to the Internet. Your page is great.

Adam Payne
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
I have enjoyed reading about the history of the annexation of Hawaii, which was something passed over in just about every history book I have ever read. It is nice to know that on occasion Congress does some good, even if it is 100 years too late.

Antoni Castells-Talens
Ursinus College
As a native of the (non-sovereign) Catalan nation, I cangreatly sympathize with your cause, and I make it mine, too.
Good luck!

priya thyagaraj
Ball State University
Muncie, IN
:-) just wanted to learn more of Hawaii! always wished I could go there!

Carolyn Andres
Dallas, Texas
This whole section is very interesting. Good work!

Paul Leone
Orchard Park, New York
I wish you success in your efforts to restore the sovereignty of the people of Hawai'i and gain independence from the United States of America.

Philippe Tusler
Mission Viejo, California
What a wonderful way to get a quick "Da Kine" fix between visits!

E. Lowen
San Francisco

Troy "Kakila" Barsten
San Diego, Ca
Dis one Haole Braddah say down wit Ben Cayetano. BU La'ia in '98. Kupa'a A mahope O Ka'aina.

Dr. Ted Mala
President, Alaska Native College
Anchorage, Alaska
Congratulations on your Hawaii Nation page. We need to do one too!

Jerry Rush
Shalimar, Florida
As transplanted resident of Hawaii (23 years) I like to keep track of how its going. Looks like you may make up for the great mahele after all.I once had a teacher at Chaminade named Mike Dudly - He gave me a lifelong interest in the lost joy and beauty of the Hawaiian people.

Gary Glen Price
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
Thanks for educating me.

Ken Miller
Arlington, Va.
You've a very interesting page; I'm eager to return toexplore in more detail. I'm a former Maui resident nowliving outside Washington, D.C. Congratulations & mahalo.

Keith Chang
Vernonia, OR
GREAT site!

Daniel Leatherman
Austin, Texas
I've only made a temporary move here to the Mainland to attend school.But I've always tried to keep abreast of the issues surrounding the native people of my island home. Though I am not Hawaiian by blood; the aina and the people who tend and care for her are intimately a part of my life.I'm happy to see a Web site that demonstrates the Hawaiian presence and calls forth for her soveriegnty.

Pan Courtelis
Coconut Grove (Miami), Florida
Enjoyed the Page/presentation - I think I like the general theme of your movement, but I need more information in order to form a better understanding. In any event, I usually support ALL movements that seek to provide more self-determination and thereby more empowerment for any group of people. I'm careful though to first learn who is behind it, and to make sure that their motives are the same as the organizations.

John R. Bouffard
Huntsville, AL
Yours is one of the most professionally executed pages I have ever encountered. Great job!

John Herlihy
San Francisco/Koloa
I wish more people would agree Hawaii should be freed. Yet at election year, Sen. Dan Braggs only about how much Federal money he brings home to Hawaii each year. Why is he so popular? Only a few must realize that entrapment. And what can be done for those brave ones unlawfully shipped to and imprisoned in Colorado? More people need to know about these important issues, I'm glad to see your organization here.

S. Michael Ben Abraham
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky, USA
I was a US military resident of Hawaii from 1967 to 1970. Hawaii is the most beautiful place on Earth. I fully support your efforts to re-establish the independence and sonreinty of the Hawaiian Nation.

Daniel A. Nestlerode
Sonoma State University
Sebastopol, Sonoma County California
fight the good fight

Terence Kai Haku Ko'i Huwe
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Keep the faith and more power to you. Although I am haole by ethinicty I was raised in Ka'u on the Big Island and part of my heart always resides there.

John A. Kraft
San Francisco, CA
I read about you in an article in the SAn Francisco Chronicle 6/1/95

Rick Pomeroy
Good Luck.

Matt Bressem
Northern California
Loved visiting your homeland last year. Perhaps you should put items on your homepage about things to do and see while visiting Hawaii. There are many of us here who would enjoy seeing pictures of the Islands...Matt

Rich Amlin
Monta Vista High School
Cupertino, California
I love your home page almost as much as I love the islands.I got the address for from a newspaper (San FranciscoChronicle) article on a recipe for a swordfish dish. I thendiscovered this page.
I'd like to see some pointers (maybe I haven't discoveredthem yet) to more tourist information (calender of eventsfor each island, etc) as well as recipes from the hotels (baked papaya from the Mauna Kea on the Big Island), andmaybe a way for people to connect with relatives over there.Thanks for providing such a good web site.

Matthew R Montano
Northern California
Keep up the great work

Konrad von Emster
San Francisco Bay Area
Your land is beautiful. I respect your quest and hope some resolution is possible.

Craig J. Basten
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
Not many, at least not yet. It will be interesting to study the repercussions of Hawai'ian sovereignty. Not being knowledgeable about this, however, I cannot make any other affirmative statments. I need to do more research.

Jack A. Reid
Provo, UT
Great pages! Hawaii is incredible!

Jocelyn Miner
San Francisco
How do you plan to reconcile "secession" (US Constitutional point of view) with your claim to "restoration" of illegal annexation? Are you assuming a restoration by the US Senate (as arbiters of treaties) or some other constitutional means? I am sympathetic to your stand but am still unsure by what means you can disengage from statehood.And of course I'm sure everyone recognizes the potential for all American indigenous peoples.

Peter Mastin
Georgia USA ....
Is independence (ie succsesion) really in the best interest of the people of Hawai`i ? I am REALLY asking this question. This is not retorical. If Hawai`i became independant tomorrow, would it's people be better off?

Chris Taniguchi
Washington, DC, USA
Beautiful WWWeb site. The cause is righteous. I support whatall of you are doing. I am 1/8th Hawaiian through my father'sside. My family is from Hawaii. I have lived in many places,but Hawaii will always be home. Make it so...

Charles Francis Matthew Guthmann III
Richmond, Ca
Thank you for your -webpage-
I lived on Kauai for five years and I really miss it.
You have my support

Chuck Gleason
Edmonds, WA
A wonderful site, which I very much hope will help setstraight the story of the native people of Hawaii.The article on "The Overthrow of the Monarchy" should berequired reading in every American History class.

Lawrence Kane, Jr.
Continue to provide the information about the sovereignty right of the Hawaiian people.

Jeffrey L. Moore
San Antonio, TX
I lived in Hawaii for 4 1/2 years. I'm interested in howyou would hope to run Hawai'i by Hawai'ians when they arefew and far between these days. Would you base it on bloodor state-residency or being born in the Islands or some similar criteria?
I would also be interested in your version of how and whyHawai'i came to be a protectorate and a state of the U.S.,i.e. the behind the scenes machinations, the politics, etc.Good luck with your endeavors.
Jeff Moore

mark e. flynn
mountain view, california
Congratulations on declaring your sovereign rights! Maybe the rest of the states will get the idea and follow your lead.

Patrick Greer
San Francisco, Mainland, USA
A most interesting site. Speaking personally, I fully support Hawaiian independance.

Robert D. Craig
Alaska Pacific University
Anchorage, Alaska
I have a graduate student doing work on legal aspects ofNorth American Indian/Hawaiian sovereignty. I have passedthis URL site on to him. Thanks for putting it on the WWW.
Kama'aina in Anchorage, Alaska

Bruce Gwynne
California North Coastal (Santa Rosa)
Much success in re-establishing independence!
Thanks for the home page.
See you around.

Chett & Lani Salzman
Richmond, California
I am not Hawaiian, however I fully support the Hawaiiansin there quest for independant freedom, and understandthe wrongs that my government has done to the Hawaiians.My wife is Samoan, and I am Caucasian American.
Robert G. Keliiaumoana Stevens

Marilyn McMahon
San Francisco, California (Mexico)
Thanks for this opportunity to learn some U.S. history they don't cover in much detail in mainland US schools!VERY interesting, and I wish the best to all Hawaiians, and especially that you may preserve your culture, history, and languages.

Donald D. Henson
El Paso, Texas
Good luck on your secession attempts.

Blake Lee Spahr
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Having spent a semester as a guest professor at the Univ. ofHawaii, I gained some insight into your history. I have a gooddeal of sympathy for your cause.

Erik Hare
Saint Paul, Minnesota
My congratulations on getting this far. I have heard ofyour movement, but I had no idea you were making suchprogress. I would like to know:
1) If you have any more legislation pending before congressthat I should lobby my reps for; and
2) When do you see the "plebescite" (sorry, no better word)being held? Anytime soon?
The best of luck to you and you cause!

Molly Lei (McDermott) Conway
St. Louis, Missouri (Kailua, Oahu born)
Very informative Web page!

Scott Holland
Seattle, WA
Knowing much of the history of the Islands, I am glad to hear of an independance movement. Although, I'd hate to have to go international to get to the place of my marriage.please add me to your E.mail list....Tks.

Chantale Yok-Min Wong
Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership
Washington, DC
Great site!

Rich Swier
Sarasota, FL
great site!

Marjorie A. Neufer
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
An informative and entertaining site. Hawaii is an incredible beautiful place on earth. It is nice to be able to learn more about it from my workplace and to see the graphics which remind me of the welcoming people and the beautiful nature.

Richard Petitte
Rochester, New York
I'm interested in more information relating to your Nation.

Steve Maczaczyj
Please tell me more. I am interested in moving to the islands not only to attend graduate school but also to live, being an Anthropology major I am deeply interested in the plight of indigineous peoples, and desire to help in any way possible.

Terry Moon and Franklin Bell
Our newspaper, "News & Letters," has printed stories from the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. We would welcome articles you wish to submit (can't promise everything would get printed). We support the struggle. Aloha to all of you, in particular our friends, Sondra Field-Grace, Michael Grace, and the rest of the ohana.

JOhn M Gonzalez
Stanford University
Stanford, CA, USA
Greatuse of the Internet to get out alternative information on indigenous/colonized people's struggles for autonomy...

John Wootton
Love Hawai'i, such a beautiful place. PARADICE INDEED.

Lawrence S. Comras
Novato, CA
Peace be unto you, fellow warriors. May the sun always shine on your islands, and may your hearts always be full of the sweetness that grows from her. Hawaii must return.
When the water that is flowing fills up all the little places, and the tide rises with all things rising, we will see each other across its surface. Until then, Aloha.
As a flame held above a just-extinguished candle will reignite it, so can the story that was interrupted go on. There is much to do, and much of it has already been done.

burlingame, california
I can undertand your point of view(s)but I am little unclear about something.Does this mean that you do not want meas tourist? I love your land, but only canvisit maybe once a year, and that meansthe North Shore in December. So do I stay home or become one of manytourists?

Lawrence Kane, Jr.
Continue to provide the information about the sovereignty right of the Hawaiian people.

Jeffrey M. Hahn
Binghamton, NY
I just had a moment to look around. I hadn't realized what was going on in Hawaii. I'm interested to know how separatenation status would affect non native people, and those whowould like to immigrate there.

James W. Eberhardt III
Atlanta GA USA
Sounds interesting, but has logistical problems, but they can be overcome

Greg Bard
California State University, Chico
Chico, CA USA
Good luck in breaking away from this sinking ship.Looks like you have a good head start!

Kurt W. Thunberg
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The world is watching - best of luck!!!

Jonathan Noeau Bryant Mc Daniel
Seattle, Washington
I think this is a great resource for me to keep up on what's going on with the nation of Hawaii.
My family lives in Hilo and moved over there so they could help with the sovereignty movement.

Randy Sasai
Mainland VA
Mahalo. I really enjoy your web pages. Brings back memories of my childhood.

John E."Papa John" Mayer
Butner, North Carolina
This is newest news to me! I had no idea any of this washappening. I doubt I can be of any assistance, but, hey,GO FOR IT! If I can stick a toe out to trip up a politician,let me know! Love to all---Papa John

Robert D. Hill
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Aloha. The US certainly doesn't have an unflawed past. Best wishes.

David C. Navas
Sunnyvale, CA
First, having read a brief (~20 pages) overview of the history of the Islands before visiting Kauai in May, andhaving perused your web-page (after it was forwarded to meby an acquaintence from Hawaii), I have to say I am apalledby the social and economic injustice done to your culture.What was done was clearly wrong, clearly illegal, and I haveto agree that something should be done about it.
The maid of honor at my upcoming marital ceremony isthrilled that there is a large Hawaii-Nation movement.I am not convinced, however, that forming a new nation iseither an appropriate response in the face of aconcilliatory federal government or a wise endeavor giventhe current social and economic conditions of both theHawaiian Islands and the world at large.
It is true that, given a pre-existent movement, now is thetime to prepare for victory. But victory cannot be the endof vigilance, and for your present circumstance it hashardly begun.
Let me step back.
There has always been a strong independent spirit inAmericans -- Hawaiian or not, and there is a long standingtradition of an unquiet truce between the states and thefederal government.
We are seeing, now -- as the Cold War mentality recedes,the issue of state sovereignty regain center stage. New-age Republicanism notwithstanding, "block grants" and theelimination of department after department from the federalgovernment herald a transition of power away from thefederal government that has prevented you from pursuingyour own sovereignty.
That's the good news. The bad news is what kinds of thingsare likely to replace it. Anyone who watched the eightiessaw the transformation from the political centeredUS-Russian conflict to the economic centered US-Japanconflict. In an absence of power, the beast that threatensto rear its ugly behind is the very beast that threatenedHawaii in the first place -- economic colonization andmercantilism!
I would urge you to consider what the future of Hawaii'seconomy is likely to be given the sorts of big businessinterests that are gaining in importance. I fear a repeatof the disaster that brought us to this point in the firstplace.
Additionally, it has been argued by historians that one ofthe most important reasons for the success of the AmericanRevolution was the participation of our forefathers inself-rule prior to King George III. By becoming a leaderin one of the most divisive issues of the future of Hawaii,by leading a path away from dependence (as you state inyour policy documents) and towards economic independence(in otherwords, frankly, by becoming more pro-active andtaking those ideas off paper and implementing them), youlearn to be the leaders you will have to be -- whetherthere exists a free, recognized Hawaiian Nation in yourlifetimes or not.
As an isolated set of Islands with both limited resourcesand a self-limit on your utilization thereof (for whichthis country boy approves) your biggest challenge will bethe maintenance of a healthy economy in a world whereover-utilization threatens so many other nations.Regardless of your characterization of domination,exploitation and exhaustion as "Western", it isIsland-Nations such as Taiwan (from whence my fiancee'hails) that are currently suffering devastatingenvironmental collapse.
I know you view this as seriously as I do given that two ofyour three statements deal with the issue. Still, I findso much more cogent thought on the rightness of politicalindependence that I fear that economic independence mighttake second fiddle. The characterization that politicalindependence is the first step to economic independence istroublesome at best -- first, because political independenceis not a prerequisite to either leadership or the formationof economic policy, and second because politicalindependence is statistically more likely to bring economicdependence than not.
I urge you to consider these issues as I wish you to succeedprobably just as much as you do. We both want a Hawaii thatretains its nature of a paradise. When I visit Kauai next,were you to give me permission so to do, I would like tohike the trails of the Na Pali without the "Aloha" of theregional helicopter fleet circling overhead.
Yours in Respect

Easton T. Manson
Boston University MBA
Kailua, Honolulu & Studying in Boston
How you?
I am proud to be able to show everyone in my MBA class that the nationis on the web.
I graduated from Punahou in 1991 and grad from Brown in 95.I participated in the soverignity colloquim at Yale thisspring I would like to congratulate everyone involved forwaking up the minds of the local kids going to school onthe mainland.

Gary Wheeler
Miami University
An interesting web page. I am particularly interested in tribal sovereignty issues, art and culture of Hawai'ian people.

Art Schwartz
Osprey, FL
Best Wishes on Your Efforts! The State Government in Hawaiiis too corrupt to meet your needs. Aloha

Michael barton
Santa Cruz California
Good to see you online, I heard of your movement through Mother Jones magazine I believe.
Power to you!
Mahalo :)

Derrick Raymond DeMotta
San Jose, California
I'm Portuguese/Spanish born in Kailua in 1957 on the Island of Oahu in the Territory of Hawaii. I've travelled all over the world in the Air Force and the saying still holds true...Hawaii No Ka Oi! I was glad to see this about our land. I have 4 children, Pocho/Spanish/Chinese/Hawaiian, and I know that they will benefit from this. Keep up the good work. Is there any clipart from Hawaii anywhere on the internet? Aloha

Jonathan Arrender Smith
University of Washington
Seattle Washington USA
Best of luck!

John Heckenlively
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I like the concept. Go for it.
Just keep your tourism policies liberal.

Brian E. Day
Beaverton Oregon (West ofPortland)
I support your fight for independence

Bob Furino
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
I was fascinated by your home page and the historical information it provided.

Joe Dorsey
Florida, USA
I am for Hawaii's independance as long as you stilllet me (a f-ing haole) still come and visit!!! :-)

Lawrence Schutte
What is this about "nation" rather than state? Tell memore.

Landrum, Eva Lani (mother's maiden name "Kuikahi"
Columbia, Missouri
Being of Hawaiian descent, and just as early as 10 years ago finding my family in Hawaii after year's of wondering I thought I'd look into this part of the WWW/Internet and see what information is available. I'm just learning how to access and use WWW. I'm finding it a great way to learn about the islands, culture, etc. My Hawaiian family has come to visit me every year since I've found them and they will be in this Thursday (6/28/95) for another visit. It's always good to see them and they always bring a little bit of Hawaii home to me and my family. Aloha!

Zenas Kiki Correa
El Toro, Ca.
I am a child of Hawaii, and proud of it!
Put me down as a supporter

Joshua R. Godinez
Sherman Oaks, California, USA
Very interesting! I am interested in learning more of the movement of Hawaiian to declare their independence. Personally, I am ambivalent about the prospect. Although I recognize the right of the native population to assert their independence I believe that this movement is partially rooted in a desire to return to some of the cultural roots formerly enjoyed. This, I fear, might result in the exclusion of non-natives from some or many of the rights now enjoyed due to American statehood. I have thoroughly enjoyed your site and wish you continued success on the net.

Angela E. Reese
Chicago, Illinois
I really didn't get a change to read everything, but as a person with a deep interest in history and the rights of indigenous peoples, I thought this presentation was very insightful. It was also very thoughtful inasmuch as the local PBS station recently rebroadcast "Riders of the Wind" about the travels and history of Polynesia/Polynesians and the peoples of Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, etc.

Dale L Robinson, Jr
Phoenix, AZ
I am a part-hawaiian, who was not given an opportunity to learn my hertiage as I grew up. Now as an adult I am missingso much information. I need help with my search.

Gary M. Cook
Pepperell, Massachusetts, USA
I send warm blessings to you all and I want you to knowthat my heart soars as I learn of your return to a way oflife that is closer to the ancient ways. I am sending someof my energy out to the cosmos asking that the Hawai'ination be successful and prosperous.
I am the proud and fortunate holder of a sacred Hawaiianstone which has been blessed by Pele. I am asking her toassist you and guide you.
In Lak'ech. (Mayan for 'I am another yourself').
Blue Magnetic Night

derrick jensen
spokane, washington
Thank you for the work you are doing.

James Todd Cunningham
US Department of Education
Washington D.C.
just starting to look around, looks great!

Daniel D. Sternlicht
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego, CA
Aloha e Nation of Hawai`i,
I am glad to see that, since I moved away from Oahu in 92, you are stillmaking progress in your fight for freedom and self-rule. Was a pleasureto meet Ms. Trask during her last visit here. The Ho`okupu o Hawaiipolynesian revue, here in San Diego, bid you a fond Aloha.
E malama pono,

LeRoy Blanchard
Los Angeles Trade Tech. College
Los Angeles, California
As a transplanted hawaiian, I'd like to say MAHALO!!! for this service. It's a way to visit the AINA. MAHALO NUI LOA!!

James Mortensen
Birmingham, Alabama
I have been interested in Polynesian history, literature(about Polynesia), culture, art, etc. for many years. I wish you luck in your attempts to re-establish your independence.

Rande' E. Fritz
Regent University
Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A.
God placed such a love and respect in our hearts for the Hawaiian peoples while we were privileged to live on the lovely island of Oahu; owning our home in Makakilo (for almost 10 yrs.). You are a majestic, warm, and loving people who have stolen our hearts. It is our prayer that as our Heavenly Father leads you will one day be a strong and beautiful Hawaiian Nation once again. Mahalo, nui loa!

Steve Kreiter
Olympia, WA
Great homepage! And, I wish the Nation of Hawai'i every success.

Brian Charles Center
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
I wasn't aware of the attempt to establish an independentNation of Hawai'i until about a week ago. I am surprised that it has not received more attention. I am very happyto see that things are going well. Good Luck in your efforts!
P.S.- Your WWW site is very well constructed.

Robert D. Hill
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
Just visting again. Already on your email list. Just received your most recent two mailings.
When I visited your page before, I was using lynx, and so couldnot see the beautiful artwork and pictures. Your page is beautiful,you certainly deserve your rating. I feel it is the best I haveseen.
Again, good luck on your movement. I can't imagine not havingHawai'i as part of the United States (I was born in 1951, and can onlybarely remember having only 48 states. I am aware, though, that the UStreated many people unfiarly, or even savagely. There are many peoplehere who worry about the growing power of the federal government. SoI wish you well in your path you have chosen, and hope to visit somedaywhether or not you are a state or independant nation at that time.

Miguel G. Valencia
I would like to know more about the Native situation in Hawaii. I was there this past Spring, and noticed some tension between "locals" and "mainlanders".

Daniel Morrison
University of Pittsburgh
I am an ardent monarchist and commend the efforts of the Nation of Hawaii to restore what has been unjustly taken from them. It is my hope that the Nation of Hawaii does not forsake the continuity with its past monarchs. Modern constitutional monarchy provides a stability unavailable in a republican form of goverment.

andrew ross
new york university
new york
it's real treat to come across this on the web.
one chapter of my recent book, the chicago gangster theory of life: nature's debt to society (verso, 1994), is devoted to an account of the hawaiian movement in the context of cultural preservation in polynesia.peace in the struggle!

Ted Ganchiff
Chicago IL
I met one of your members at a lookout on Oahu, manning a T-shirt stand. I bought the tye-die with the declaration of independence printed on the front, and everyone who asks about it is *very* surprised to hear the story of the US takeover. Best of luck to all of you -- and let the fellow from the stand (I forgot his name:)) know that the guy in the tie-dyed headband really enjoyed talking to him (it was about a week ago).

Fidel Salas
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Best wishes to the new nation. It's about time.Hope international recognition happens today!!

Christie Bennett
Lake Forrest, CA
We are frequent visitors to Hawaii and support your goal.

Felicia L. Roe
Santa Ana, California, U.S.A.
Hi -
I would simply like to say how much I've enjoyed my visit toyou via the Internet. Thanks for the opportunity to share my appreciation.

Micah Gutman
Iowa City
Go for it!

Marco Alejandro Palma
UC Berkeley M.E.Ch.A./Ntl.XicanoHumanRightsCouncil
Berkeley,California, Land of the Miwok + Ohlone
As a Xicano that recognizes his indigenous roots, I am happy to see the awakening that is happening all over the world.
The Xicano people fully support the Nation of Hawai'i and would be glad to have you visit sometime in the future.

Ray O'Brien, jr.
the best in your endeavors. it is good to see that there are those who wish to restore that what was taken.
as a member of a nation that was taken away by the US (Seminole), i fully empathize with you. keep up the work

Mike Bonner
Constitution Party
Jamestown CA
Love the three "Hawiaan Sovereginity" tee Shirts I gon on Oahu..100% agree with Your Soveriginity movement. Was informed a vote was to happen and that the election was to be lmited to Hawiian blood lines but is being opened to non- Hawiians. Agree the 1llegal house arrest of Your Queen in 1893 and subsequent acts of US should allow for recission of Stathood. Best of luck. Have Son in Pt Barber NAS. (Signed) MIke Bonner

Marc A Bedard
Silverado, California
Great work!

Nicholas Harper
Nice show! Am enjoying what you'se put together...

Bob Hodge
St. Louis, MO
Will be visiting the islands in about 2 weeks. Just checking to see where I can find out more about the culture of native Hawai'i.
Am taking a course in Native American cultures and wanted to learn more about yours.

Norman Wright
Wharton School of Business
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
An intersting concept for one who studies culture for a living. I will be interested to see how your project develops. Mahalo

Emelda "Bing" Walker
Colorado School Of Mines
Golden Colorado
I miss Hawaii so. It's good to read your page.

Robert J. Peters
Best wishes for you efforts to communicate and document you efforts. I found you WWW page from the Oneida Home Page.

Brenda Faith Bell
New York City
Caught some of the text on the alt.native newsgroup (not enough time to subscribe on a permanent basis).
Have some (little) Hawai'ian blood, but have totally lost the heritage :(...

Tom Bartikoski
Minneapolis, Minnesota
As a frequent visitor to Hawaii to escape Minnesota winters,I have developed a fondness for the people, especially thenative people. I have been suprised at their warmth and hospitality with such a past of having their hospitality andgenerousity abused by sailors, whalers and missionaries. Iwas startled by your story - and completely unaware of it. Iwish I could say I was suprised about its contents, but seeit as just another chapter of such dealings with native Hawaiian people. I have no idea how to put a broken eggback together, and will visit your home page periodically tosee what you are suggesting. There is far to littlekindness and gentility in people's hearts today... and Ihope the Hawaiian people can maintain this rare trait while pushing for recognition of their legitimate demands.

Christopher Mark Bunton
Brevard college,Brevard,North Carolina
After having spent over four years in your beautiful country ,I can certainly understand your peoples desire to get their independance back.The way the Socialist Republic of the United States of America is going I would not be surprised to see another civil war in the U.S. YOU know how those HAOLEs love to make war.YOU have the right idea to secede now while you still can .

Daniel Claude Longstaff
Salt Lake City, UT
I speak Tahitian, Tongan. I translate Tuamotuan poetry and legendsinto English. I am also a storyteller, that is, I recountPolynesian legends and history in classrooms and on the radio.Polynesian culture is something that interests me a great deal.This month (July 1995) is the 400th anniversary of the first arrivalof Europeans in Polynesia which also coincides with the massacreof 200 people in the Marquesas Islands.

David Perugini
Mastic Beach, NY
I'm happy that there is an organization to preserve the traditions and culture of the most splendid land on the planet. My wife and I visit Hawaii whenever we can and we would continue to do so in the event that Hawaii gains its independence. I'm brand new to the internet, so I won't dally. Since I'm not yet familiar with the e-mail process, I won't put myself down for automatic mailings, but when I get a better handle of all that this medium is bringing me, I'll return to you page and sign up. Mahalo.

Jeffery Black
Suisun, California
Very nice.
Thank you.

John Cromer
Nice Page

Christian LaPotre
Ukiah High School Environmental Club
Northern California
We support the people of Hawaii and of the Pacific in their struggle against French nuclear testing. A few French citizens are organizing resistance against their own government until Chirac abandons his testing plans. Aloha!

Dan Bennett
The Southern League
Nashville, Tennessee
Good luck in your quest for independence.
Nice web site, too.

Matthew J. James
Sonoma State University
Northern California - Sonoma County
I am from Ewa Beach and am now a Professor of Geology here inNorthern California. I teach a class called Natural History ofthe Hawaiian Islands (have taught it four times so far). Aportion of my class is devoted to historical aspects of theoverthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. I have enjoyed readingyour web pages and will refer my students to them in the future.

George Kalas
The Southern League, Inc.
Houston, Texas, Confederate States of AmericaI am very impressed with your Web Site. It is superbly illustrated and contains much information of interest to American secessionists like myself. I hope that the Hawaiian secessionist movement and the Southern secessionist movement may find common ground for cooperation as we both seek to separate our respective peoples and cultures from domination by Washington, D.C.

Patricia J. Toth
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
Would be happy to see you become a Sovreign Nation once again!

Cindy Contreras
Pasadena, California, USA
I have been to the Main Island only once but loved it so very much that I plan to live there in the future. My boyfried is a Geologist and (about 1 1/2 yrs.ago) spent time in Hilo with the USGS residents. I stayed with him for a week and could not get enough of the sights, smells, and histoy ofHawai'i. Mahalo and Aloha!

Tyndall AFB, Fl (Panama City, FL)
It is really nice to see something about "home"!!!

seattle washington
I have traveled to Hawai'i (oahu) twice and enjoyed it alot. This is an interesting and informative web site. Thank you for educating people on the sovereignty of The Nation. I look forward to visiting again this coming October. Thanks, geneva.

Jerry Ashford
The time for understanding that the sovereign States and the people retain the ultimate power has come. As theDeclaration of Independence concerning the abuses of powerstates: It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such a government.......

Patrick C. Lear, Sui Juris / Sovereign Calif.Citizen
California Republic
Haven't spent much time looking at your site ... yet. Will do so.Wish you all the best in your endeavors and hope we will be able to follow in your footsteps.

Carinna Marie Kehaulani Dias
San Diego, California, USA
I am grateful for all the people who are reviving the Hawaiian culture, and all our independence. I am also glad that there is a place for young Hawaiians like myself and bothers and sister to learn about our Hawaiian culture and for others to learn about the prestigous culture of the Hawaiians! Keep up the good work and I'll be back soon.

Forrest Iarwain Rianeazhe'qaa
Earth Information System (EIS)
Santa Barbara, CA (chumash nation)
Aloha! We discovered your page just now. I am happy to see your presence on the Web.
By the Way, the Polynesian sailing canoe based in Hawai'i visitedus two weeks ago, and many people came out to honor the revital-zation of the starguiden, wayfinding oceanic culture. Our company,EIS, is dedicated to providing communications technology and support for the 'fourth world' and we are building a WWW serverin the next few weeks, along with an Ecological Commerce siteand a number of resources for native nations, grassroots ecologygroups, and like minds and hearts. We would like to put a link to on our pages. Is this okay with you? Hope to talk to you soon.

Trevor Alan McArthur
Lincoln, NE
I don't know if I agree with your cause, but I will give it a fair hearing and pass on word of this site to my friends.

Ramesh Isaac
Keep up the good work!

Jill MayerPuget Sound Area, Washington State
Found this site on an exploration as teachers using Internet to explore ways kids can use Internet for research.

Kevin J. Pfister
Vallejo, CA USA
As a Native American myself, I wish you all the greatest of luck in obtaining your independence. It will truly be a pitiful sign of American heartlesness if they fail to observe the existence of the Nation of Hawai'i. Again, good luck.

Jeff Rockel
Milwaukee, WI
Very interesting, informative and appealing Web page.

Aaron Laramore
Toledo, Ohio
I support your efforts to reclaim your legacy. Your fight will be long and hard.

Shawna L. Barlette
Scotts Valley, CA
Your efforts are to be commended and my family wholeheartedlysupports you. Even though your web pages are excellent,it is the content of the pages that is important. Keepup the great work.

Jerry Paxton
Lawrenceville, Georgia
I am a real lover of Hawaiian history. I teach my students the "TRUTH" of how the Hawaiian islands were stolen away by the U.S. I have recently finished reading Haunani Kay Trask's book. Wow! What a book! I have read many authors on Hawaii- Daws, A.O. Bushnell and other. I applaud your efforts to return Hawaii to a "Nation" If there is any way I can assist please let me know.

Mary J. Parker
Portland, OR
Keep up the fight! I lived in Hawaii for four years and support your cause.

Jay Forrest
Houston, Texas
I am a graduate student in the University of Houston at Clear Lake in Studies of the Future. I found yourpage by searching for sustainability and policy. I am very interested in the Hawaii nationalizationmovement. When did it "begin" on a serious level (recently that is)? (I know the "proper" story of the revolution and acquisition.) In fact I am using the success of this movement as the basis for a shortfor one of my classes which leads to the secession of the northwest states.
Look forward to hearing from you!

Mike Wallace
Huntsville, Alabama
Hello folks....good luck on your quest for freedom....

David Rinck
Independence, Missouri, USA
Malama 'aina.

Ryan Minor
Boston, MA
Greetings from a supporter (Cherokee/Fox/Scots).
One (almost) down, 49 to go.

paleiholani mabe
portland oregon
nice to see this home page, send poi!!!!! please

Earle Warner
Lake Elsinore, CA
As one who has worked in and with rural communities to help them organize, develop local leaders, and take steps to take control over the decisions which affect them, I am excited to see the work being done among and by the Hawai'ian people. Please keep me informed of your work. It gives hope to many.

Heather M. Llenos
University of Chicago--College
Chicago, Illinios
I am a resident of Hawaii going to school on the Mainland. For my BA thesis, I intend to investigate Hawaiian sovereignty and pertinent policy implications for the U.S. Federal gov't, the State of Hawaii, and the new sovereign state/nation/country. I will be going back home from Sept. 10-29th and will begin my real research then (although I'm starting my preliminary scanning now).The information on your pages and those of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs are helping me to try to find a focus and get an overview of the whole situation while I'm in Chicago. (We only have 1991 Congressional Hearings and reports here.) Mahalo for putting these pages up!! They're very informative.

Jeff Allen Kai Silva
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Would like to keep updated on the progress of the Nation of Hawai'i.

James C Jarrett
Indianapolis, Indiana
Your goal of Sovereignty is just! Though I am not, by birth,any part Hawaiian, the times I have been in Hawai'i I quicklylearned to love the Hawaiian people, their spirit and the land.Aloha and mahalo for sharing with the world the truth aboutHawai'i and its people, its ohana!

Thomas Battley
Upstate New York Youth Opportunities
Rochester, NY
Mahalo for an educational site worth repeated visits.

Benton Keoki McMillan-G
CaliforniaI am very interested in keeping up-to-date on the movement and in being involved from over here. Any suggestions?Much aloha,

Pol Kabaron
Good luck for the Nation of Hawaii.

Danielle Kimberly Puanani Moore
Ridgewood, NY
Aloha! Miss the beautiful island home of mymother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Would loveany environmental homeland info sent to me on how Ican help keep Hawai'i the shining star of the sea.

Greg B. De Aguiar
Yery good,keep up the good work

stan lum
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Silver Spring, Maryland (Washington, D.C.)
I'm on you email list already, just browsing today on a friends web browser. Don't have my own W3 access yet.
Glad to see what's here, finally!

John F. Burik, II
USA mainland
Good luck with your venture.

Wesley Lynn Andrews
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians
Greetings and Respect to our brothers.

Robert Mc Intyre
Joint Military Intelligence College
Washington, D.C.
I'm an ex kama'aina who is looking for a way to move back to Hawai'i as soon as I can.

Donald Stephen Bentz
Austin Environmental Forum
Austin, Texas
I've enjoyed browsing your web page, and wish to visit you soon, especially am I wishing to visit you since Texas is so awfully hot. Surf some, for me, and have fun!

Joyce B. Cacal
Santa Clara, CA (Silicon Valley)
I have always been intrigued by the Hawaiian Islands. My ancestors originated from the Philippines, but the roots ofmy family are from Kauai. My grandfather had 2 sisters and4 brothers. At present, my family consists of: 9 uncles, 5 aunts, 40 cousins and of the 40 cousins spawned 15 children. I would love the opportunity to be a part of the movement to restore the Hawaiian Sovereignty.

Steven E. Woolley
East Coast
I believe that the kind of sovereignty described here would be a tragic error failing to redress the injustices of the past while exacerbating the likelihood of new injustices. Nationalism is an ideal that begets a violence that cannot be tamed.Consider Bosnia. Yet it seems to me there is a sovereignty that is desireable. I hope that you will discover what that may be.

Eric Bernabe
St. Louis, MO usa
Very nice page. Have not looked at it in its entirety.

Jonathan Hall
City of Urbana
Urbana, IL USA
Very interesting. Had no idea that there was such a movement.

Jim Gonsalves
San Jose, CA.
We visited Hawaii in 1992 and REALLY enjoyed the people.The way of life is a "giving" feeling. The culture is oneto respect and savor. We would like to move to Hawaii.
May peace and happiness be with you.

Harold Ritchie
Richardson, Texas
I hope your dream is realized. Good luck and bestwishes!

Gary M. Dukes
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Minnesota, USA
Thanks for providing this information.

Stephanie Sutton
San Francisco, California
Hi....I am doing all I can to make the Nation real for all the world to see and feel....God(dess) bless the truth and justice that will be restored to the peoples of Hawaii.

Kenneth John Perkins
Flint, Michigan, USA
I have not seen much yet, but I am sure it will be interesting. I did not know that there was a title of "Nation of Hawai'i"

Jorge R. Sanchez
Coast Community College District
Costa Mesa, Ca
Thank you for your open hospitality.
The nation of Hawai'i stands tall and proud on many an occasion. The future holds even more fantastic opportunities. The links available through your sitecontinues to educate us of the wonderful culture andspirit that is Hawai'i.
Thanks again for allowing us to tour your site.

J. Rick Normand
San Diego, CA USA
More power to you! Can I help?

Sheri Kauionalani Akiona-Adams
Ivy Tech State College
Madison, Indiana
Please continue to update the true Hawaiians and the Hawaiians at heart, all the latest info on what's happening back home. Prior to relocating to Indiana, I became a member of Ka La Hui. My father is James P. Akiona Sr., the DHHL applicant that took the agency to court for the benefit of all native Hawaiians. MAHALO NUI LOA, keep up the good work!!

toby james duffy
University of Nevada, Reno (student)
i love da page! wish i could hear da sounds, but mycomputer cannot play them or something like that...keep it up, the page should be in da top #1 percent!!!mahalos to you, aloha nui loa a me ka pumehana,
A hui hou!

Peg Hain
Hula Me Aloha (Traditional Polynesian Dance Instruction)
new jersey
Aloha - unfamiliar w/ politics - have not had chance to study 'both sides of the coin' but to this Haole, it sounds like business as usual for the Fed. Gov't. Have heard Kam. Day is getting scrapped - very ominous to me. Am wondering how prevalent Sovereignity Movement is, and worry for family & friends in Hawai'i, both Kama'aina and Haole. Do admit my interest in Hawai'i is cultural (as a teacher and student) but still am concerned and wonder if all the ramifications (business, defense, economic, etc) have been studied. Still, my aloha and prayers to all, that this may be resolved peacefully and with dignity. My aloha to all - Peg 'Hewahinemeauluwehiwehi' HainPS - keep up the good work w/ this info - it's important!

Randall Baker
School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IU
Bloomington, IN
Very professional and fascinating web entry. I am left wondering only where I can buy this splendid Hawaii flag you show. Is it on sale anywhere (round 4 x 6')?

Michael J. Mullin
Augustana College
I am looking for some individuals who might be willing to talk to some students I will be bringing to Hawaii about what European contact and imperialism meant for Hawaii's indigenous peoples.

David Hakala
Boardwatch Magazine
Littleton, Colorado USA
This will make quite a story in our October issue!
But is there another side to be told? Who is arguing against sovereignty, and where might I find their arguments?
Best of luck to you all!

Bessie A. James-> Kiowa name->Dye-youl-mah
Native American student at the University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas orginally from Carnegie Oklahoma
I was just surfing the "net" and came across this homepage. I'm always interested in new contact via the internet. My major is journalism. I am interested in corresponding with any interested Native universtiy student.

James T. Cook
Haoles For a Hawaiian Hawaii
Hi i poi i ka Aina Aloha

National Rifle Association of America
It's about time that the United States recognizes the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Nation.The Federal gov't.must free Kahanele to erase growing tension among the Hawaiian natives.Kahanele is a symbol of oppressed Hawaiian Nation.

Helen Brewster
University of New Hamphsire
I found this by accident, and am glad to see you here !

Harry Cleaver
Accion Zapatista de Austin
Austin, Texas, USA
Well done!
I came for your manifesto on self-determination and the useof the Internet in struggle. I work within the internationalcircuit of solidarity with the Zapatistas in Chiapas.

Robert L. Brault
University of California
San Diego
Very informative

John J. Pfuhl
Oceanport, NJ
I recently spent a few weeks in Hawaii and learned of the intensity of the soverighty movement. I would like to have a clear understanding of the issues

Barbara J. Russell
Washington State
I've been following Hawaii Nation efforts.
I grew up on Oahu going to local churches and localschools. Most of my friends could speak Hawaiian -- theyhad to since they were being raised by grandparents whospoke Hawaiian. I went home with friends. Today I realizethat I am what I am because of Hawaii.
I was back after 20 years and saw terrible things downtown Honolulu looks like anywhere big city. Molokai is still wonderful -- reminds me of the old area from Ewa to Makaha.
You are doing something right because your leaders are under attack. Look what happened to AIM and Wounded Knee. And these "natives" signed pieces of paper with the US gov. [I'm part Native American -- so I watch the mistreatment of locals here.]
Good Luck -- I try to educate one person a time about Hawaii Nation.

Mr. Jose I. Dangtayan Jr.
San Jose California
This is what Hawaii is all about!

Debbie Jancis
Sterling Software
Mountain View, California

Shawn Kapua'onalani Kahumoku
Technology Services
Aloha! I just wanted to give you a congrats on your webof Hawai'i! Mahalo!


George Martinez, Jr.
University of Southern California Hawaii Club
Los Angeles, California
This is a very informative Web page. I will be checking it often. I am from Hawaii and do support the Nation of Hawaii and it's causes.

Kenika Bautista
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington State

         _Maika'i keia mea!   _     I keia manawa, he haumana au ma ke kula nui o Wakinekona     _                                                                                  _     _Moku'aina.  No kahakai 'ewa, O'ahu mai au, ku'u 'aina hanau.

Jim Ansaldo
May you always stand proud for your rights! Children of the Light -- Unite!

Dennis J. Crilly
Sherman, Texas
I first heard of your efforts to get your country back on the Dave Kinston Show (short wave). I hope and pray that you suceed. If you are successful maybe we can get our country (U.S.A.) back to!

George Towle
Green Valley, AZ
I liked the sound byte

Carole Brodsky
Plowshares Community Dining Room
Ukiah, CA
We are a group of friends and family with Hawaiian ancestry and ties. Currently some of us live on the mainland and do not have easy access to the information around the Sovereignty Movement. Please keep us informed as you can.

Alapaki Rabold
San Carlos, CA
Just dropping by for a short visit to pick the latest news.

Eren James Reddick
group of armed friends ready to protect our rights
Waco, TX
I feel the government is preparing a massive illegal crackdown on weapons owners.I have heard reports of raids on people who own assault weapons and am fed up with it!

Samuel Lynn Britten
Abilene Online
Abilene, Texas
Lived on Oahu for 4 years back in the early 70's. Dated a beautiful young lady who was 1/2 Hawaiian and she taught me much of the culture. I'm glad to find out about this website so I can keep up with your progress!

prabir barua
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York, USA
I am an ethnic Indian from Singapore who has a keen interest in the culture of the Native Americans. In faraway Singaporethere is a luxury apartment complex which has named its blocks afterfamous Hawaiian Kings like Kamehameha. I look forward to visit the Hawaiian islands one day.

Tim Richardson
Patriot Resource Center
Creswell, Oregon
Power flows to those who use it -- keep up the great workguy and gals. The organization and professionalismof the publicly visable portions of the new nation arecreating quite a stir -- keep it up!
Kick the bastards ass.

Mustafa T. Kasubhai
University of Oregon
I am doing research on Native Hawaiian sovereignty rights for a legally focused paper. I would appreciate if anyone might be able to provide a syllabus of any materials that would help in my search.

Jade Leialoha Danner
student/concerned hawaiian
tempe, arizona--turtle island
glad to see you on the net. it's been hard to stay informed while going to school, but now I can have a little more connection to home.

Suzanne Brooks (& Harry Alu)
Campus&Community Coalition for Equity&Justice in Higher Education
Sacramento, CA
Harry Alu is from Kona on the Big Island. We are friends of Jim Kahue Hawaii State Dept. of Health and have met Hayden Burgess (Poka) when we had him come and speak on Indigenous People's Day. Would like to network and keep up on current issues.

James C Jarrett
Indianapolis, Indiana but Hawai'i at heart!!!!!
Though I am not Hawaiian by birth or ancestry, I do believethat your goals are very just. I have visited Hawai'i severaltimes, done the "tourist things", and, most of all, tried toexperience and learn about the real Hawai'i. Every time Ihave visited I have become more and more dismayed at whatbig money and the politicians have done and are wanting todo to Hawai'i. I have also been encouraged more and more byfinding that the Hawaiian people are becoming stronger andstronger and making definate progress to counter those ruiniousattempts. In the spirit of ohana, I am with you!

Rebecca Cling
University of Arizona Full-time student
Temporarily, Tucson, AZ. Hometown, Ft.Defiance, AZ (Navajo Nation)
Looking forward to visiting, but until then I will just enjoy what is on this network. If anyone, is interested in visiting the Navajo Nations Canyon De Chelly area please feel free to contact me and I will set them up with my parents tour guide business. Aloha!

raymond colby
U of W R.P.R.C.
Thank You for providing this web site.
I will be able to rely on this information from time to time.

Drew S Thomas
SUNY / Oswego State University of New York
Oswego, NY
I am an anthropology student at Oswego interested in Native American studies. Hawaii is an area of interest and I am interested in learning more about Hawaiian Native American struggles.

Donald A. Cope
Seattle, Washington
My best wishes for peaceful success in achieving your goals.

Catherine J Wiley
Wa state
I like this page & especially the peaceful spirit shown in the symbolism you have choosen for your flag.I will put a link to you on my page! I plan to come back & visit again, Cathy

Richard N. Gavino
IBM - Storage Systems Division Software Products
San Jose, CA
It's been great keeping up with the news on the Nation of Hawaii using the WorldWideWeb! Keep up the super job. Power to the Hawaiians!!

Ben Ho (Benedict Luke Ho from Kaneohe)
Minnesotans From Hawaii
Fridley, Minnesota (Minneapolis suburb)
I think I have a T-Shirt from Nation of Hawaii. I bought it at Koko Head on my last visit Home.
I've lived in Minnesota since 1958 after leaving Hawaii for the Marine Corps in January 1954. I come Home to Hawaii to about twice each year to visit my Mother in Kaneohe and to do a little business.
I have been trying to get a news letter from Hawaii to try to keep up on what's happening. OHA refused to send to me because they "no nuf kala". Strange yea! Even after I hosted a show for them with 50 Minnesotans From Hawaii. I also went to a meeting for Ka Lahui Hawaii at the Queen Liliuokalani Center. Still no news letter. Hope you can help.
Me and my children (3 adults) would like to know how we can register to vote in January '96? That's four more votes for the good guys.
I don't know where the other Hawaiian's stand on thequestions, because I cannot talk about it with so little information. Do you have a news letter? Some back issues too?
Mahalo.... Ben Ho
P.S: My paternal Grandmother Annie Keonaoa Kaihee was married to George Lim Ho the lived in Waimanalo. Their son James Ah You Ho (known as Pappy) is buried in Kaneohe.My maternal G G Grandmother Maka-O-Kukona from Kona was married to John James Porter. Their daughter Emily wasmarried to John Stupplebeen from Kona. Their daughter Emily Kanaloa married Manual Silva. Their daughter, my mother, Emily Leimaile Silva (known as Honey) still lives in Kaneohe.

ken rumbaugh
palo alto, ca
since I am one of the hoard of touristswho descend upon you in decemberfor the surf, I feel a little odd aboutsigning in. But, you have a beautifulland and I wish it was truly yours andnot big business's

David James Appel
Chicago, Illinois
My grandmother is a full blooded hawaiian women, and I am her grandson. I am trying to find out any information on her family history. Her name was Pukalane Kanahel. If you can help please leave me a messege. Thank You.

James C. Langcuster
The Southern League (Southern Nationalist Org.)
The Confederate States of America.
Carry on, brave souls! Between the two of us, we'll drive the Yankee imperialists out!

Phillip Ambrose Werman
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
I have been to Hawaii four times, three times to Oahu, and once to Maui. I would like to say I certainly hope you all suceed and can prevent further destruction of beaches, forests, and land. It is a disgrace to see fancy hotels taking over some of the world's most beautiful beaches. I wish you luck!

Sydney Marie Braunfeld
New York
I am doing a 4th grade book report on Hawaiin culture.

Esther Dittler
Native American Student Awareness Committee(NASAC)
Upstate New York
I was in contact with you over the summer when I was in Austin, Texas. I am one of three co-founders of NASAC. One of the goals of NASAC is to provide the general university campus with information on issues which concern Native Americans. Any information you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated. You have my e-mail is my slow mail address NASAC/SA, Binghamton University, Vesttal PKWY East, Binghamton, N.Y. 13902. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advanced, Esther Dittler

Thomas Terry
ohio state university hospitals
columbus, ohio

Bertram Marshall
What would be the political position of the nation-state: fasciest, socialist,liberal demoracy, democracy, libertarian (my preference), green, republican? I am curius, as I accidently found this page.

Layne Kahinuonalani Richards
Lewis & Clark College
Portland, Oregon
Just browsing and wanted to get a little niele. Is it possible to receive more information?

Gene S. Park
I wish you well in the restortain of the Kingdom of Hawai'i and express my shame at being a member of nation that has illegally occupied the Realm for nearyl a century.

William H. Beers, IV
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
I am one of many descendants of Henry Adams Beers (1833-81) andKalanialii KamaKauahoa Beers (1848-1922). These are my great, great, great grandparents. Kalanialii was a descendant of some chief of Molokai.
Being a very diluted mixed breed, I can still sympathizewith the nation-state effort. However, realistically,it will buy nothing. The damage is already done. The land is gone. The Japanese and the Bishops own nearlyeverything and unless the nation-state "nation-statalizes"everything the foriegners own, nothing will change. Andif the nation state did to that, the ramafications wouldbe devastating to the islands' economy. But who knows, in the end, the termites may have everything.

William George Glenney Jr.
The Pennsylvania State University (Student)
State College, Pennsylvania (Central Pa.)
I think it is interesting to find that Hawaii is tryingto regain her independence. I wish you all the best inyour endeavors. I don't think that the U.S.A. shouldforce statehood on anyone against their will.

Lynette Clark
Alaskan Independence Party
Fairbanks Alaska
I will be leaving for Moloka'i the 24th of this month andwill be on the islands for about three weeks. Presently, Iam State Secretary of the Alaskan Independence Party andam a member of the Alaskan for Independence. I would very much like to contact representatives of your Independencemovement, not only to learn but to also give assistance, ifpossible. I can be reached here at the above address.My thanks in advance! Lynette Clark

Suzie Johnson
San Diego, Ca
We lived on O'ahu for seven wonderful years, and I miss it dearly.I am not Hawaiian by blood, but I certainly am at heart. I supportHawaiian sovereignty. No where else on earth can you find the kind of benevolent social, educational, and welfare legacies instituted by the members of the Hawaiian royal family. Their incredibly wise and generous gifts of trusts have helped those who aren't even Hawaiian through The Queen's Medical Center, Queen Emma Clinic, Kamehameha Schools, just to name a few. My very best wishes in yourefforts to make the Nation of Hawai'i once more a reality! :)

Deborah M. Mason
Corps of Engineers
Washington, DC

Mike Potter
New Jersey
While I'm a loyal American, I completely agree with your ogranization and goals. The people of Hawai'i (is that correct) were robbed and treated terribly. You have my complete support for your independence. I would hope though, that you would want to retain a close relationship with the U.S., though.

Jay Goode
The Southern League
Texas, U.S.A
I heard that a group in Hawaii was seeking independence. If this is true, you have my support. As a member of a group of people who have been hated and reviled, I fully support your cause. As yourselves this, if you hate someone, then why don't you let them go?

Yvette Lokilani Kaholo
University of Portland Student/Kamehameha Alumni
Portland, Oregon
Mahalo Nui loa for this website. It is wonderful to be ableto gather information about the Nation of Hawaii and the sovereignty movement over the Internet. It is easier to help teach people here about the movement and also take them a little closer to Na Kanaka a me Ka Aina o Hawaii. The website is beautiful and informative, keep up the good work not only here on the net but there in Hawaii.
A Hui Hou a Malama Pono,
Lokilani Kaholo

Christopher W. Brown
A stockholder of Cook Inlet Regional Corp.;Kenai,AK
Everett, WA
I have just started to get on the internet and am happy to have found your site by way of Boardwatch Magazine

Craig Kaneululani Roberts
Self interest, current mainland resisdent
Looking for more info on sovereingty issues. Not much info up here except OHA's monthly paper.
Mahalo plenty

Godfrey Enjady
Mescalero Apache Tribe
Mescalero New Mexico

Jacqueline Madison
American Sovereignty Coalition
Baltimore MD USA
am interested in your quest for indedendence...why? how?when? all of us are fighting for independence from UN controll over our national sovereignty..control over our national sovereignty. we are losing our our Constitution here on the mainland and we are deeply concerned.

David S. Ormsbee
Bellevue Washington
Please tell me more. How can I help to provide support for the Soverign Nation of Hawaii?

Joseph Ahuna
California, USA
Just located your web page. I think it's fantastic! Please keep me updated on the progress of the freeingof Hawai'i.
Joe Ahuna

Jerry C. Grauman
Minnetonka, Minnesota
Just browsing. I will be visiting Oahu next week to visit my son, stationed at Hickup AFB

Kenneth & Monica Sjoen
University of Nevada Police Department
Reno, NV
We love Hawaii and wish you would keep us updated on your efforts....Mahalo

Graham Steele
Hexnet Corporation
Massachusetts, USA
Right on!

Michael Harbold
US Canoe & Kayak Team (sprint)
Washington, D.C. & San Diego, Ca
Thank you for the wonderful web page!!!!

Melinda Pasion Andres
University of the Pacific Hawaiian Club

Andrew Florendo
San Francisco Bay Area
As a fellow Pacific Islander I offer whatever support I can for your cause.

Ed Kasprzycki
Rohnert Park, Ca
I will have a WWW page available in the near future andwill notify you when it is up and running

Jacqueline Lasky
currently in Colorado, orignially from Kailua, HI
I am writing my senior political science honors thesis onthe Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement. I need as much infor-mation as possible. My advisors are Glen Morris and Ward Churchill, both were involved in the People's Tribunal and are currently in Colorado. Please send me anythingand everything that is relavent, both current and historical.I will be back in Hawaii in December/January and would beinterested in interviewing people for my honors thesis. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Leina'ala Robinson Seeger
University of Idaho College of Law
Moscow, Idaho
I'm Native Hawaiian, born and bred in Lahaina, Maui, and love your page so far. It's going to be great to keep track of what's going on back home. If I can kokua, let me know.

David Correia
San Francisco, CA
I think this is a great idea! Congratulations on your page, and good luck in your endeavors.

Paul Connelly
Connelly Liquidators
I can only hope to visit your wonderful State, it is a lifelong dream.

Todd Swagerty
Corvallis, OR
Interested in these pages because my fiancee (Helen Dumag) is from Molokai. Our plan is to move back a fewyears after we graduate from OSU. As I am haole, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the culture, history, etc as possible (without too much work) I did visit once in September of 1994. We stayed with Helen's hanai dad, Moke Kim. Mainly, we helped him string fence on his new farm. We also helped Uncle Kile (sp?) (I'm da Irish haole) with his new fence. And helped Uncle Henry castrate bullsfor 4H. It was one of the best vacations I have ever had.

Earle Warner
Self: training and support to grassroots groups
Based in CA (Lake Elsinore)
Knowing that those involved with Nation of Hawai'i are fighting for the power that is their right, gives hope whenever people seek to take control and participation in the decisions which affect their lives and the lives of their families and communities.The issues may vary, but the underlying process of individual people, groups and communities taking power are the same.
Please let me know if I can be of any additional assistance.

Helen Leana Dumag
Oregon State University
Corvallis Oregon
Aloha! I am happy to here that your organization has a home page. I am a resident of Moloka'i attending OSU. I have often wondered about the Hawaiian Nation and now I have access to info. Mahalo ame a hui hou!

Lani Oliveira Bandhauer
Santa Cruz, California
Thanks, good information!


Scott Penrose-Kafka
The Alternative Future Think Tank
Irvine, CA
A wonderful site. I've added this to my list of links. I hope that one day we can win the end of the illegal oppression and occupation of the Nationa of Hawai`iPeace & Love.

David Goldstein
Tucson, Az USA
I have never been to Hawai'i, though I have several friends who live there and several more who have lived and worked inHawai'i. I have never heard anything but of the wonderous beautys and the joy and happiness of the people. I hope to visit soon and that I will need a passport to do so. Good luck and health to all Hawai'ians, revive and long lifeHawai'i!

Wiloa Umiaemoku Kanekukaiilani Mahiololi Coursey
Foothill-De Anza Community College District
Los Altos Hills, California
Looking forward to helping register voters!


Zachary Lum
Horizon House Publications
Boston, MA
This is one of the best Web pages I've come across for information/research value. I've been struggling to findgood resources for a poli-sci paper on the Hawaiian nationalist movement, and this is like hitting the goldmine.
There's not much awareness of this story on the East Coast.Try getting some coverage out of the New York Times or the Washington Post.
Keep up the good work.

Lopaka Leimana Faria Jr.
member of Pac. Isl. Org. C.S.U.L.B.
Long Beach, Kaleponi U.S.A.
Aloha a Kanaka,
I just wanted to give Ku'u ALOHA!

Phil Matera
Farmingdale, Long Island, New York
Just stopped by to say Aloha!
I'll be back again sometime soon!

Suzanne Brooks
Coalition for Equity in Higher Education
Sacramento, CA
Aloha to Hayden Burgess from the former director of theCalifornia State University, Sacramento Multi-Cultural Centerwhich he visited. FYI, the Center and I have been under attack for promoting multi-culturalism and fighting againstracism.
To: Jim Kahue, former member Multi-Cultural Center AdvisoryCommittee, how are you.
Please pass these messages on if possible. Thank you.

John H. Woelflein
Raytheon Service Company
Burlington, MA USA
I love Hawai'i, was only there once but not a day goes by that I do not think about the islands. Truly Paradise. If I could afford it I would move there with my family. THe Hawai'ian people were very nice to me,full of the aloha spirit.

paul linville
university of missouri-kansas city
I am a graduate student doing research about the subjugationof indigenous peoples. My particular interest in in theattempted suppression of the Hawaiian language as a meansof political control.

Frank Siebold
Kamehameha Schools Class of '71, Lockheed
San Jose
We must educate the ignorant American masses of the facts behind the takeover of Hawaii by the USA and convince them it is not too late to change the process.
The statehood vote and status is invalid based on the takeover of the Republic of Hawaii and background of the Territorial Government.

Tamara Kathleen Watson
I'm 1/4 Hawaiian, family has homestead on Maui
Del Mar, California, in San Diego
I'm very interested in staying current with the restoration of Hawaiian independence. My Grandmother on my father's side was full blooded Hawaiian. She died in 1991 at home in her homestead on the island of Maui. My father was raised in Hana at Wainapanapa. His father was the reverend of the congregational church there. My granparents were the Rev. Herbert and Annie Brewster. I may not get the breakdown of syllables correct but my grandmother's name was: Annie Koho'opahele Kailipuahilo Aikau Kalani nui Aimoko Brewster. I have two daughters who are very proud of their heritage and we would like information on any organizations near us that would enable us to learn more about our heritage and learn the language. My Grandmother spoke, and many of my cousins speak the language. My grandmother was one of two women who fought and succeeded in getting the Bible back in print in the Hawaiian language back in the 1960's. We are all very proud of the life she led. Please respond, I am anxious to hear from someone. My father is here on the mainland, he is closely watching the developments regarding Hawaiian independence and I will share all information with my family here. Aloha! Tamara Kathleen Brewster Watson (Doesn't sound very Hawaiian does it?!?)

Ronald Yoichiro Uno
Tufts University Hawaii Club
Boston, MA
This is our second year as a recognized cluband we would appreciate if you could send any info., pictures, or any useful items you may have for our club. We plan to have a luau next semester in April and are currently working on a Hawaii club home page.

James E. Anhalt, Jr.
self employed
Bakersfield, CA
Freedom means self CONTROL. No man is entitled to MORE than he can provide for HIMSELF nor should he receive LESS in order to provide more for others. Good luck as you try for independance.

Susan Kinner
Montgomery, Alabama
My sister, Johanna, is married to Zachary Gibson. Currently living in Kailua-Kona but soon moving to Honokaa. Because of them, I have become interested in the Sovereighnty movement and am currently reading _From a Native Daughter_ by Haunani Kay Trask. She is the aunt of my brother in law, Zack Gibson. Wishing you all well!

B. Martin
Mojave desert, Southern Calif.
Good luck to your independence efforts. Particularlyin restoring and preserving the Polynesian culture. I'venever been to Hawaii, but as a non-Polynesian, I thinkonly non-Polynesians should be able to own real estatethere. I, myself, am starting to get involved in myEuropean heritage and become proud of my ancestry andwestern culture. I fear the trend is for my heritage todisappear. Some of my fellow European-Americans hope fora separate Eurpean-American society. I know it soundsscary to some people that races want to be separate, butI believe we will see more examples of balkanizationthroughout the world and even in North America. I havegiven up rock music and returned back to the greatestworks of my culture - Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Rossini,Strauss, opera music. I challenge other European-Americansto do the same and rediscover the beautiful works fromthe Age of Reason and great scientific discovery insteadof the self-destructive, violent, sexist rap music. Maybeour world will be a more peaceful place if we can getalong separately!
Good luck Hawaiians!

Alex Macri
If possible, I would appreciate any information on Hawai'i's family and children policies and programs. I am aware that Hawai'i has many new and inovative programs that I am interested in researching further for a project. Any information where I could fing this info would be greatful.

Yale University
New Haven, CT
Having been a large part of the sovereignty symposium which occured last year here, I am pleased to see information about sovereignty and native Hawaiian rights in an area accessable to many people.

Darlene Napualani Kanoho MacAuley
Austin, Texas
Aloha. Having moved to the mainland just 6 months ago, I amso happy to have found a web site to keep me informed aboutwhat's going on at home. While living in Hawai'i, I neverreally kept up with the sovereignty movement. I've been reading a lot of information here on the web about the threemodels and am still unsure how I feel about sovereignty. Istrongly support the revitalization of the language andculture. I agree that the land was wrongfully taken away.However, how willing are Hawaiians as a group to work togethertoward the goal of sovereignty? If Hawaiians vote for onemodel, how will the leaders of the other sovereignty groups accept that? If sovereignty is granted, how will that affectthose who aren't Hawaiian? How will Hawai'i's economy, so dependent on tourism, be affected?I truly believe that for our people to overcome many of theobstacles that face us, we must become educated. Learningour language and culture is highly important, but we mustalso face this: a haole education is important too.I hope that this web site will be a means that people aroundthe U.S. and the rest of the world will learn about Hawai'i.I've been asked some really odd questions about Hawai'i, andhopefully this web site will educate others.There's a lot more I could say.......maybe next time. Untilthen, malama pono and a hui hou.

Phil M. Dolbow
Texas Department of Health
West Texas
Good Luck!!! You're looking good, keep up the excellent work.

Lawanda Cox
Detroit, Michigan
I am proud to hear that the Hawaiians are seeking sovereignty.As an African American on the mainland, it is good to hearnative people trying to rebuild their own government.

Mike McEversR>human beingsSeattle, WA
Beautiful Site!

Jeffrey L. Strailey
Tehachapi, CA
I agree with your premise. The U.S. has no business in Hawaii.

Ryan Anthony Jones
Student at University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas
I think that this is great. good luck. I would be interested in receiving nore information.Also any information you can give about the ancient Kahunas.

Stan Tomyl
Wilmington, North Carolina
I lived in Kona for 7 years. Just leaving in August of thisyear. What the current state and federal governments are doing to Hawaii is a crime. I thank the many Hawaiians who were so goodto me and my family. My daughter had the wonderful experienceof participating in the sailing canoe E'ala on the Big Island What she experienced she will take with her the rest of her life.she was very fortunate to have met people like Angel Pilago and his wife Nita, plus many more Hawaiian people. What she has learned from her sailing experience and Hawaiian tradition I am sure will makeher ready for this world and will be something she will share with everyone she comes in contact with. I would like to thank thepeople of Hawaii, especially the people of Ho'ona who shared a smallpart of their life with us. I hope to return someday again as a familyto a place and people I truly love. It was extremely difficult to leavebut it is only temporary. I have a story to tell about Hawaii, it is notof Hotels & resorts but of the REAL people of Hawaii, the Hawaiians.Mahalo many times over. God Bless the Hawaiian people and their islands.

Brian Allen Mitchell
Overland Park, Kansas
I'm am excited to be able to visit your state althoughI have never actually been there in person.You have such beautiful scenery, I love the pics.

Sherilyn J. Kauionalani Akiona-Adams
Human Resource Assistant/Madison Precision Prod.
Madison, IN
I'm new on the system and am excited about being able to keep in touch with home, especially sovereignty. Keep up the good work, we all appreciate the info. Mahalo nui

Glenn Joyner
San Francisco, CA
I love this Web page. As a resident of Hawaii for 25 years with family across the state, I've been a supporter of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement since I was a student at Damien High School. Back then I supported the Protect Kaho'olawe Ohana and knew a few of its members. Your Web site offers a great vehicle for supporters on the mainland to stay in touch with the activities of the movement in its latest incarnation. Congratulations to the Nation of Hawai'i for keeping the movement alive and best of luck! O wau iho no me ke aloha.

Cathy Hamilton
Came across this wonderful page while visiting brother in Idaho! UnfortunatelyI have no internet access at home......Hi to Kanak Napeahi!

Colleen Patricia Gannon
New York City
Hi! Im 8 years old. I really like Hawaii. As a matter offact I want to go to Hawaii for this summer vacation

Lareena Smith
Looks good!

lee & debra churchman
sara welding & Repair
vacouver Wa.
Mahola ! from my wife, maiden name Kaholokula. good luck on your quest for independance.

Paul Hoffman
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I attended Mililani High for three years and often visit my mom and brother in Pearl City. When I moved away in 1991, I don't remember the independence movement being as prominent as it seems to be now. I am undecidided as to whether I support it or not. I do support "keeping da country country." The North Shore is the only place remotely Hawaiian and largely undeveloped on Oahu. I would hate to see it ruined by hotels and golf courses. The last thing Hawaii needs is to have to have Haleiwa turn into a beachfront Waikele.

Daniel Gilbert
georgetown university
washington dc
excellent web page. I hope to return to Hawaii someday soon.

Laeleya Salazar Saludez
Editor in Chief, Graphic Weekly at Pepperdine U.
Malibu, CA
I am interested in the Sovereignty movement in Hawaii and wouldlike to know as much as possible about the sentiments of native Hawaiians and locals of non-Hawaiian descent.

Silja Talvi
San Francisco
Congratulations on a spectacular and important web site. I shallspread the news and link from my pages.

David Lewis
Native American Student Union, Grand Ronde Tribes
Eugene, Oregon
Just exploring the Web looking for native sites. I was wondering if anyone knows Kevin Chang, newly returned to Hawai'i. We haven't heard from him here at U of O.
Everyone in the International Studies department and NASU says Hi.

Joe L. Washington
Midwest USA
Looking forward to reviewing materials here as well as any additional information in the future

Candace Kim Pualani Meierdiercks
U of Arkansas Society of Professional Journalists
Fayetteville, Arkansas

mary katharine duffie, ph.d.
montana state university
montana, usa
very informative. did my field work in Hamilton NZ; facilitated the life history of Heeni Wharemaru, a Tainui elder who was actively involved in most of the social movements of her people throughout the 20th century. very interested in polynesia generally.

Joe H. Lusk
West Palm Beach, FL
Hopefully others will awaken to voices from within

mark strong
stone bank elementary school (third grade)
usa wisconsin, oconomowoc
we just started surfing the net. i'm looking for other teachers or classrooms that we can share or exchange mail with either in hawaii or other island nationsin the rim.

Edward M. Cassin
75th Medical Group
Excellent web site! It is good to see people valuing their heritage and land as much as this nation is.

Harry T. Suzuki
College Student
Spokane,Washingtonlege via Kailua, O'ahu
Free Bumpy!
Take a lower tone on the issue. I know that its right but being more humble? is more respectable.
I support our values but am not very happy with your actions.

Christopher Ola`i Carvalho
College Student
Spokane Washington via Kaneohe,Oahu,Hawaii
Believe in what you feel is right and it will happen. Mind concieves, heart believes, body achieves. Be strongand stick together like a family. When you have one stickit can easily be broken, but when you have a bunch of sticks bound together it can never be broken.

White Raven
Nation of Hawaii
Santa Barbara, California
I'm amazed...what a dumb thing they did. Bumpy may be uncomfortable now but this can only help the cause. Hope everyone is doing well. ... Mahalo for this page.

John Hampton Posner
Phoenix, AZ/Ventura, CA
Was very surprised to hear about your Web site today but very glad as well to see it. I have a son in Honolulu and visit him from time to time so I feel a connection to Hawaii, its people and its history. I was stationed at Kaneohe Bay MCAS in 1962 and later at NAD in Nanakuli. I feel a kinship with Hawaii that will always be with me.

Alan Neuman
Attempting to regain soveriegn Citizenship
Southern California
HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Corupted Corporate State of California is in direneed of help! Action is being taken to bring California backunder a republic but it is taking too long! I fear the IMF, Feds, etc... will take over before the state legislaturecan stop it. Please send notice to all the legislature inCalifornia and inform them what is going on!!!!!I can not do it alone!!!
Any tips about how I can fight having to register myconveyance (truck)? I am currently under the whip right nowTrial date is Nov. 1, 1995

Theodore John Moes SR.
College of Alameda student class
Alameda, CA 94501
Hello from the golden state

Harry Zee
Rowan College/Gloucester County College
Excellent material that I can use when teaching US History.
Should definitly help foster student discussion on America's imperialistic past.
many thanks for your efforts.

Roxanne Benson
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY
I am interested in history of all Native Americans.Live 20 miles from Oneida Nation - am also veryinterested in natives of Hawaii.

Caroline Foster
Society for Human Resource Management
Alexandria, Virginia

Sinh-Nhut Duong
University of New Mexico
Southeast New Mexico

James C. Starbird
N.W. 15th. Arkansas Volunteer Infantry
West-Central Arkansas, CSA
At least ya'll got a note of apology. We never did get one,although our nation was conquered by the Federal Government, and no treaty of peace was ever signed by OUR electedrepresentatives. They were thrown in prison, until suchtime as Federal control of the conquered states was assured.I no of no occasion in which the Federal Government EVER returned land to conquered peoples.

Pierre Abbat
Pineville, North Carolina
First read about Mo'i in Perceptions. How's he doing?Great Web site. Keep it up!

Vin Suprynowicz
Las Vegas Review-Journal; Mountain Media
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sovereignty and self-determination are the right of all people.But I'm curious; when Hawaiian sovereignty is restored, will citizenship be by birthplace, residency, or racial heritage? Phil Marshall
Seattle,Washington area
I found your web site researching for one of my U.S. history students who is interested in the Hawaiian indep. movement.She observed some demonstrations a couple of years ago while there on vacationwith her parents and became curious on the subject. We are currentlystudying American imperialism and the topics is of interest to her for a research project. Your site should prove to be useful toher. I am going to forward your e-mail adddress to her. Any informationyou would like to pass my way via e-mail would be appreciated.

Glenn J. Hill
Ashland , OR
I am of part Cheerokee ancistry , and I totally support your efforts to obtain justice !!!
Good luck,and whatever happens, remember Gandi`s sucess in India , non-volient resistance is unstoppable.

Eurica Califorrniaa
Juridic State of Nature
Mahopac, New York
It was pretty interesting to read the New Hawai'i Constitution.I think solidarity and cultural unity can work hand in hand witha cordial diversity of people to form the best solution for all.I support the right of Hawai'i (aauaii) to independence, but, I do notsupport radical change to this independence, because "radical" meansit will forget to include many potential participants. I feel "culturalprotocol" needs to be renewed in an identifiable, peaceful way that people will respect, while still being firm in advocating rights.

Stephen A. Gardner
California State University, Bakersfield
Bakersfield, CA
I visited the Hawaian Home page in hopes to find informationabout the Geothermal energy sites. The focus of the studyis to show how the culteral and religious rights of NativeHawaians have been overlooked by big industry and the Government.

Richard Hawkesworth
ABC Directory Exchange
Massachusetts, USA
It is good to see how the Internet is bringing the world closer together, as is all travel and communications.

Maurice Richard
Post-Polio Support Group of NH
Dover, NH
Nice to be able to go to Hawaii whenever I want to.

John Barnett Turner, Jr.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I wish you good luck in your quest for the self-determination that is the God-given right of all men.

Wayne R. Zeides
DBasics Software Company
Long Beach, Ca.
You have a most wonderful nation. One you should all be veryproud of. I will always cherish my two visits there.Mahalo for showing me the gentleness of your land!

pamela mcelwee
Yale University School of Forestry
New haven CT
I'm a doctoral student working on land rights issues and am very interested in learning more about the efforts toregain Hawaiian ancestral land, particularly how the strugglehas created different alliances and different perception ofthe 'meaning' of land and ethnicity. If anyone reading thesecomments would like to talk to me about land rights issues I would like to learn from you, so please email me! Thanks!

Bob Cross
Michigan, USA
best wishes in the age old battle for freedom !

Tom Lum Forest
Boston, Mass.
Lovely site; quite interesting; good to see.

Joe La Belle
Mahwah, New Jersey
I am interested in expanding my knowledge of Hawaii. I feelI can contribute more if I knew more of Hawaii's customes.Any information would be great.

Eddie Foronda
San Francisco
Thank you for allowing me and other journalists to visit Waimanalo during the Asian American Journalists Association conference in August 1995.

Martin F. Howrylak
Very interesting home page!!

Brenda Lee Kwon
Los Angeles, California
Thanks for keeping me informed. I'm an island girl on the mainland for my PhD, and I often teach about sovereignty and Hawaii in my classes. Sovereignty now!

Larry Starr
Michigan, USA
Wish I could be there!!!!!!!!

Joe Harris
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Washington, DC

michael martinez
so. cal
Great page keep up the good work.

Mark David Stewart
Texian Independence Organization
Republic of Texas
I applaud your organization's effort and intention. You are of course just in your cause. We wish you well.Great site. We have just purchased a Web book. We're learning about hot metal and all this stuff. One of ourmembers has established his own personal page with hypertext and hypermedia links. It won't be long before we do as well.Send us some advice if possible about setting up a "Homeland" page. We would appreciate it. If we could do anything to help, let us know!
Thank you very much,
Vaya Con Dios!

Kaiehu H. Kaahaaina
Southern California
I am a young mainland hawaiian, I know very little about heritage and want to learn. Are there any local programs I could atend to become more evolved with my ancestral heritage?

Wayne Wah Kwai Au
The Evergreen State College, Masters In Teaching
Seattle, WA
Another Non-Hawaiian in support of sovereignty-Creating a high school curriculum to teach students about the history and politics of Hawai'i. Please send info.

Michael D. Monaghan
Constitution Party of Michigan
My sincerest hope for your sucess. We here wish you all the best of luck. I only wish Quebec had made it that far.P.S. Watch for the massing of U.N. equiptment within your borders.

Jean-Pierre Sefczek
Woodbridge Township Board of Education
New Jersey
I look forward to recommending your site to the students in our Township schools.

This is a great site! I am using this info to help my son on his report on Hawaii.

T.J. Kelleher
Harvard University
Secession forever!
I don't mean to be insulting, but, lest you forget, the people of Hawaiisubmitted a constitution to the Senate of the United Statesalong with a request for statehood. As far as I know, you have notattempted to secede from the United States, so who are you kidding? If you would only call a Secession convention, then the State/nationcould leave the United States peacefully, as it would be a monumental blunderfor the U.S. to use military strength in this time of self-determination. I believein the right to leave the country, but if your organization is connected withthe Communist, Socialist, or Facist Parties, please remove me from the mailing list

Eurica Califorrnia
Juridic State of Nature
Mahopac, New York
I am disturbed to learn that U.S. Prosecutor Les Osborne would care to intimate that the Hawaiian vote to join the United States in 1959 in any way whatsoever impliedeither directly or indirectly a forfeiture of prior claims to Hawaiian independence based on the illegal overthrow in 1893. ("Jury begins deliberations in Kanahele federal trial," The Honolulu Advertiser, October 28, 1995) Osborne's intimation is invalid because the 1959 vote was not a choice between Hawaiian independence versus statehood in the United States, but instead exclusively a choice between the relative rights offered by continued territorial occupation versus the rights of statehood in the United States. Hawaiian independence was neither offered nor readily obtainable at the time of 1959, and so the choice to accept statehood in the United States actually served in a limited way to increase Hawaiian participation in the true functioning of a State. Thus, the choice of Hawaiians in 1959 can be seen strictly as an increasing movement towards regaining the full functioning of a working State, as opposed to choosing to retain the more limited functioning of an occupied U.S. territory. There can be no doubt that neither Hawaiian independence nor any implied forfeiture of prior claims to Hawaiian independence was of issue during the 1959 vote, for, it is clear that U.S. occupation of Hawai'i was forcibly dominating such that the choice was exculsively one of U.S. territorial possesion versus U.S. statehood. The vote was a choice between two relative conditions with respect to the U.S., and not a choice between Hawaiian independence and either of those two conditions. No forfeiture of independence by Hawaiians is to be lawfully implied by the vote of 1959. To say the least, if the United States had wished for any implication of Hawaiian forfeiture upon the vote of 1959, respecting Hawaiian rights to independence, then it should have restored Hawai'i to independence before collecting the votes. In legal terms, the Hawaiian choice in 1959 is to be seen strictly as an exercise of the only means peacefully available for mitigating the relative losses associated with continued status as a U.S. territorial possession; and, therefore, I am disturbed that Prosecutor Osborne would fail to admit this in court.

Rick Shrum
seattle wa
Nice to find your page.

Haidee Kuuleialoha Ahue-Benedict
Toluca Lake, CA

Calvin Rich
Ph.D. Student, Walden University
Santa Cruz, CA
I am researching the use of the Internet by the world's indigenouspeople for educational purposes. The term education is meantto be defined by each people within the contxt of their ownculture. Any input by any indigenous group about what theyare doing (such as this eye-opening Web site, would be greatlyappreciated.

Stephen L. McMahon
Southwest Electronic Energy Corp.
Houston, TX
Just wanted to sign your guest book and say hello!I wish I still lived there :>

Mark Ehlen
Gaithersburg, Maryland
I lived in Hawaii for three years. I left because it was clearly others' home more than it would be for me; it was their LAND. Please do what you can to preserve it so that others can experience the uniqueness and almost unearthly quality of life possible there.

chris fewell
pa, usa.
woah. i didn't know hawaii is independant. cool. i'm a friend of liberty and independance, so if you want, send me 'hawaiian patriotic propeganda' e-mail.

Clayton Kee Young Chun
student@Washington Univ. & Hawaii resident
St. Louis, Mo.
Although I am not of Hawaiian ancestory, I believe in the sovereinty movement and support its cause. The native Hawaiians were unjustly treated and victims to the tyranny and imperialism of the United States Government. The westerners were very ethnocentric and never took into consideration the views, feelings, or culture of the native Hawaiians. The result of this was an unfortunate demolition to a stable and proud culture. I am currently doing a term paper on the overthrow of the monarchy and it greatly disturbs me as I do more research and find how the motives of missionaries and their coup was in large part for self-advancement. They were dissatisfied and felt somewhat threatened by Queen Liliuokalani's government policy, thus pleading to the U.S. for help.
In presenting this issue to my english class, I received a lot of blank stares from the lack of knowledge of this issue. It is a shame that this issue still remains in the dark throughout most of the mainland, but I will make it a point to at least do my part in increasing the awareness amongst my peers and this community. The only way I see this movement succeeding in attaining its goals is by increasing awareness locally and nationally, as well as receiving national publicity. Through that, pressure from a mass of supporters will force the government to respond and ultimately change will result. As part of the Hawaii club here at Wash U in St Louis, I think it would be great for Hawaii as well as your organization if somehow a speech or public forum could be arranged. Each week our school hosts a guest speaker which attracts a large audience. If you are interested and able I'm sure the administration here as well as the population here would surely welcome you. I realize financial and other constraints, but if it is possible, it would be an honor for the Hawaii club to assist you. In this way we would not only be spreading some of the culture and history, but increasing awareness as well.
I am interested in your cause and would like to know more about this organizations objectives and background as well as its position relative to other sovereignty groups. Do you accept non-Hawaiians? How do you feel about other organizations? If you have any itinerary, pamphlets, or propaganda, please send some to my address: Clayton Chun/ Washington Univ./ 6515 Wydown Blvd./ Campus Box 4614/ St. Louis, Mo 63105-2298. Keep fighting, stay strong. Aloha, clayton

Michael Tamashiro
Boulder, Colorado
Greetings from one land-locked transplanted Hawaiian. I want to thank you for having so much info about the statewhich I miss so much after these 20+ months being surroundedby mountains!! I can't wait to see all the new stuff that hassince sprouted up. Thanks to you I think that I definitely willgo back and really appreciate what my home have!! Aloha!!

Yvonne Hailionaona Ohumukini Urness
Santa Clara, California

(Dr.) Paul Hubers
Nonviolence International
Washington DC
Any suggestions on how to reach Solis Niheu. He met MubarakAwad (co-founder of Nonviolence International) back in Viennaduring an International Amnesty Survival mtg. They're bothtermed as "survivors" [of a death camp type prisoner experience]by AI. We are publishing a pro-Hawai'i sovereignty articlein the 1995 issue of our International Journal of Nonviolence.The 1996 issue of our Journal will target ethical and ethnicalissues, hopefully including why it appears so hard, almostimpossible for groups like Greenpeace International (whetherAmsterdam, Hamburg, or Washington, DC) to network or organizewith Arabs and Palestinians -- maybe as well with Non-U.S. or Non-French oriented Polynesian people -- in dealing with issueslike nuclear bombs and counterinsurgency technologies. We'vetried to reach Soli through AI, AFSC-HI, and other groups....No luck yet. Any Suggestions, Please? Thank You Very Much,Paul Hubers, Editor, Nonviolence International

Nathan H. Harada
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
I was wondering if you could send me some informationon this movement towards sovereignty. I am doing an essay on this issue and would like to have all the possibleinformation on and behind the movement so I may notonly be able to write an accurate representation of this movement, but also expose those who shall read my essayto this issue and reality of the truths of Hawaii.

Neil Wiesner-Hanks
The North American Paddlesports Association
wonderful pages and materials. Please keep up the great work....

Ken Barnhart
Portland, Oregon
Can I still visit Maui if sovereign status is obtained. My money is still green.

paul adam white
Aloha and good luck. :)

Forrest Iarwain
Anthronomics; Ecotopian Dedication Network
Los Angeles, CA
here we are, my friend and I, we just sucessfullyinstalled Netscape 2.0b2 on her comput'r and its great...I pointedthe browser at the Nation soon after, and it looks and feels like, sovereignty is inspiring when information about attainment is so easily shown to friends. ... I worked in the Northwestern UnitedStates and Canada before coming here, on sovereignty issues and ethnocartography issues for First Nations, and forestry/sustainable economic planning development. Looking forward to talking andmeeting with you soon, and may Bumpy be released soon. bye for now,Forrest Iarwain

kevin keli'i yamabayashi
student at Pacific University

Ed Breland
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
I have been on your mailing list for quite a while now. I am always interested on the updates concerning the liberation of your nation and of course recently the imprisonment of your leader, Kanahele. I have been very fortunate in having the opportunity to visit and work in your land over the last few years. I was associate producer on a documentary that was shot in Hawai'i. I spent quite a bit of time on Maui and the island of Hawai'i. It is really hard to explain my feelings for your nation. It is unlike any other on the planet. Your geology, biology and culture are so closely tied, the distinction between science and art is insignificant. I whole heartedly support your mission. Though it may not feel evident at times, you are truely a blessed people. Peace and Mahalo Nui.

Frank Graves
Virginia, USA
Great place to live.

Linda C. "Ululani" McIntyre
Good luck. I like the Nation in a Nationconcept. Being raised on an "Indian"reservation in Montana I understandthe pros and cons but I still believeeconomically it would be unsoundto become an independent country.

George Oliwa Alapa Ka'aihue Jr.
Kauwahi AnaIna Hawaii Hawaiian Civic Club
Provo, Utah

Sophin Soeurn
I have never been to Hawaii. I hoping that one day I will visit to wonderful land of happyness.

Michael A. Venrick (Webster)
VenCOMM Systems, Inc.
Columbus, OH
Nice to be in Hawaii this time of year...snowing here today.

Leilani Haywood
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri
I am part-Hawaiian. We moved to Hawaii when I was 15 and it was the first time I everwas the first time I ever felt at home. As a formerpolitical activist in the islands, I'm happy that you'allare taking the bull by the horns. Hawaii is the only placeI've ever felt at home. I miss my stomping grounds inHonolulu, and hope someday to go back. Thanks for bringinga part of home to the Midwest. I don't hear anything aboutyour activities here. Keep up the good work!

James Arnold Felton IX
Pacific Ancient Voyagers
Olympia, Washington State
You know this is worth doing. So I'll just offer my admiration that your getting it done every day.

Erik van Lennep
Arctic to Amazonia Alliance
Vermont, USA

Robert T. Homlar
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Md United States
Good luck with your movement. You have one of the best web sights I have seen.

Bradford DeMello
Storage Technology Corporation
Louisville, Colorado
I am originally from Kaneohe, Castle grad, class off 77. I nowlive in Colorado with my wife and family. We have been away for 5years now and are very interested in learning more. We plan tomove back next year and would like to keep up on these recenthistoric events.
Neither one of us have Hawaiian blood, but we support you andwish you good luck in your efforts.

Daniel B. Kurz
Roxbury, New Jersey, USA
Your group is living a delusion. Hawaii can never become anindependent nation. It is an integral part of the United States of America, and it's flag is the STARS AND STRIPES.Under our national Constitution, no state can leave the Union because the Constitution is "THE SUPREME LAW OF THELAND." And judging the lengths the Federal Government wentto keep the Southern states in the Union during the CivilWar, I don't think Hawaiian independence is likely anytimesoon!

United States Constitution
Article VI
[2] This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States whichshall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or whichshall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall bethe supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shallbe bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of anyState to the contrary notwithstanding.]


Christine B. Harrington
Institute for Law and Society, NYU
New York City

Richard D Felsing
madison, wi
wow! i've been interested in sovereignty issues and ways mainlanderscan lend support. sounds like that concrete sustained connectionto the land will create a lot of strength....

Carmen J. Souza
college student
Newark, Delaware USA
I am happy to see that the Nation has used the World WideWeb to educate others around the globe about the strugglefor independence. I am so far away from home and it is great to be able to follow the movement and be updated. I am originally from Pearl City, O'ahu, and I am currentlydoing my undergraduate work here at the Univ. of Delaware.Thank you for the update and information and good luck.

Kathryn Elizabeth Stock
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
I was born and raised in Hawai'i and I am currently a freshman in college away from Hawai'i for the first time inmy I frequently browse through the Hawaii Homepages on the Net. Your page provided me with enoughinformation to write my sovereignty paper for my English class. Thanks! Rick Palmacci
Say aloha to my brother-in-law Gerry Ronan in Kihei.Aloha for now

Stephen Christopher Romanetz
Southern League (University of Alabama Chapter)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Confederate States of AmericaI'm glad to see there is support for secession in thenation of Hawai'i. We Confederates know what it feels liketo be oppressed by a vile, New England-based government.I'm here to let you know that the Southern League is100% behind you!
Stephen Romanetz
Bible Study Co-Ordinator
Univ of Alabama Chapter
Southern League

Seddie and Anne Cogswell
Cable WI
We wish you well in your efforts.

Herbert C. and Carol L. Watkins
Retired Military
Columbus, Mississippi
We were lucky enough to spend my last tour of duty with the army in your beautiful Hawaii. We met many wonderful friends while there and have deeply regreted not remaining in Hawaiiafter my retirement. Our youngest son attended and graduatedfrom Mililani High School. We learned of your sovereigntymovement while there and fully support your efforts. Bestwishes on your movement.

Sherilyn 'Sheri' Kauionalani Akiona-Adams
Madison, IN
Mahalo for this contact with Hawaii, keep up the good work! Your efforts on WWW is proof that in order to gain support, you must educate those people who are unaware of our struggles back home. And in order to get to your goals, our people also must be educated. The white man's method of gaining control of any group of people is to take away things of importance, our culture, our tutu used to tell me that she wasn't allowed to speak Hawaiian in school, didn't the white man do the same thing to 'their' slaves, he kept them from learning to read. Mahalo nui for efforts, IMUA!

Sean Dodd
San Geronimo, Marin County, California
I like the flag of Hawaii. I'm doing a research question on Hawaii. My question is, How did Hawaii get it's name and what does it mean?

Patrick James Callahan
Alaska resident/Iowa student
Please send information on Hawaiian independence movement
Thank you

David W. Lumpkins
Sewanee/The University of the South
Sewanee, TN
My wife and I own a condo at Mahinahina on Maui. We spend at least two months a year in Hawai`i and have done so for many years. By now we feel "almost" kama`aina. We sympathize with the frustrations of the Hawaiian people and hope for a solution that can be satisfying to all involved. Aloha!

Richard D. Cox
Just doing personal research
Sacramento, California
Having recently paid a visit to Moloka'i, the birthplace of my mother, I have become interested in hearing about the Hawaiin independence movement. I'm only 1/8th Hawaiian ancestry, however, I enjoyed very much speaking to some of the native Hawaiian people that I came in contact with. I was able to mostly avoid the "tourist" experience and am looking forward to returning to Moloka'i in the future. I hope the Hawaiin independence movement catches on and other arrangements can be made to be sure that Hawaiian ancestry is not completely wiped out by the continued intrusions by people who see it as nothing more than entertainment. Good Luck!!

marjorie e gossett
indianapolis, indiana
I miss living there! We lived on oahu for three years. we will be back to stay.

Nguyen Phuoc Quy Huong
graduate student in public policy- urban planning
Los Angeles, California
I support the movement to reclaim Hawaii to its people. I hope to soon see the movement becomes more cohesive and less extreme. Currently I believe that the movement is too fragmented. There is a need for a more unified voice. The separate movements must meet and coalesce. Otherwise all is lost before it begins. Good luck.

Lopaka Leimana Faria i'ili'i
Pacific Islander club & Asian Pacific Council
Long Beach, Kaleponi
Aloha Kokou!
Mahalo Nui Loa for da news, and this site, as well as your endevors,I myself grew up on the mainland and do not get to visit home and Ohana as much as I Wish I could. You have in a very special wayBrought Home to Me a Ku'u Ohana. Praise be to God that Bumpy was rightfully Acquited, and we will continue our pule fo him.As we will continue to pule fo da Po'maika'i maoli Aumakau foKa Lahui Hawaii!!!!!!!
Malama Pono.....A Hui Hoa

paul L. Starke
Lynchburg, Virginia
Beautiful Page Work and Content

Barbara L. van der Biezen
groton, connecticut
My husband and I may be relocating to the Navy base there in Pearl Harbor by next summer. We are now just starting to collect info. on Hawaii. We are excited but not sure at all what to expect. Thank you.

Professor Ronald P.Cole
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Please put me on the mailer. I have found your web site tobe a great teaching tool, especially for realistic sourceson history and development of the islands. Mahalo !

"Kanalua" Scott Edward Hovey, Jr.
BYU-Polynesian Club
Provo, UT
Aloha e na hoaaloha. It's good to see us Hawaiians going good world wide. Keep up the good work.
E ola.

Eric Dee
EnviroLink Network
Meadville PA
i am already on your mailing list (i believe). i am a student at Allegheny College and an EnviroLink Network volunteer. Nice WWW site...Too bad the media doesn't cover more of your movement...

Earl T. Larson
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
During the summers I do research on coral reef fish at coconut island.

Robert Stanley
AIM Communications
Boston/New York City
We need a specific business/legal contact for the Nation of Hawai'i. Would you at your convenience, pleasedrop me an E-Mail with someone who handles business for yourIndependent Nation.

Georgina Minto
God be with you.

Rhonda DiCostanzo
School Paper
Seattle, Washington
Long live the struggle against repressive totalitarionists!

Monika Ferreira Queiroz do Valle
Institute for the Future
Menlo Park, Northern California

Richard A. Vlasic
I have always felt that Hawaii was illegally and immorally annexed by the United States, and I very much opposed statehood for the islands. Unfortunately, it seems that the islands are inhabited by so many different kinds of people which very much dilute the righteous cause of soverignity. I have only visited Hawaii and Oahu one time but I was pleased to see the spirit of independence alive. The people in the United States have no idea that this is a very real situation, alive to-day.

Alex DePena
Libertarina Party Of Bexar County, Texas Republic
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas Republic, uSA
My Congradulations on accepting the responsibility of self rule. On behalf of the Libertarian Party of Bexar CountyI applaud your efforts at establishing a government born of the consent of the people and ending a government that was based onfraud and decit.
May you forever have liberty!

Joe Medico
Los Angeles, California
My grandmother is half indigenous Hawaiian. I attend what is proven to be one of the most diversified universities ( UCLA ) in america as far as ethnic studies is concerned. Yet the majority of courses offered here are eurocentric in origin. Many student groups on campus are fighting for programs such as Southeast Asian studies and Pilipino studies. There Are absolutely zero course offered here in anything Hawaiian and it is very difficult to find anything about history or culture. Do you know of any resourses that may be available in Hawaii or California that may be beneficial to the study of Hawaii or the adoption of some type of Hawaiian studies? Please respond.

Richard W. (Rick-"Howle Boy") Harkness
Tempe, Az.
It's about time the people of Hawaii spoke out. As a boy living in Makiki area near the fire house, my best (and only) friends lived in an area called "Papapalaa" (sp?). This was a Hawaian only area that I could not even enter by myself at first. In time I came to know many families thru my friends. These were the true people of Hawai'i.....and I learned many things from them. They took me in as thier own...and I will never forget them. Even now some 35 years later.
The HuiHui's, the Kalani's, the Kipapa's all victims of the white mans presence......and even though they could take "me" into thier hearts and homes....a white kid. These were..and are..the true people of Hawai'i and I for one, will always support any cause to raise these people up!

Julia MacDonald
New York State Department of Health
Albany, NY
great home page!

David W Schwartz
Cloak and Dagger Investigations
Alaska should do the same. Kepp up the good fight, and don't give in.

Gwen Gampon
Orange County, California
Will be resident upon retirement or hitting the Super Lotto whichever comes first!

James E. Miller
Smithfield NC
I wish you success in your struggle. The jailing of yourleader should be no surprise, look at what this govt. didto Randy Weaver. 130 years ago some of my ancestors foughtthe U.S. which invaded their nation, and in fact gavetheir lives for their beliefs. I hope that you don'tsuffer the same fate, but you should be prepared for violenceto be used against you by the gov't. in Washington, itseems to be their first resort rather than the last.I will pray for you and again I wish you success in yourstruggle.

b. chang
san francisco
i'm really impressed that your community is using internet to educate the broader public about sovereignty issues. Great communication source, particularly for people that aren't aware of Native Hawaiian issues.

Tony Cerda Sr
Costanaon-Rumsen Carmel Tribe
Chino, California

Tracy Kahanamoku
There needs to be a unified effort to right the wrong's thatwere done to the "Native Hawaiian" people, and indirectly tothere desendants.
Remember that it was a monarchy, and it's people were providedfor by the ruling class. We need to be sure and unified in what it isthat we want as "Reparation"
Find out how to do this and we will be a much stronger voice

Keith Grinde
I sorry that I will have to disagree with you on this idea.First point. American citizens and not the US government overthrew the Queen in 1893.Second Point. The people of Hawaii voted 17 to 1 in favor of statehood in 1959.Third point. How dare you attempt to speak for the people of Hawaii. Who elected you?Who was allowed to write your "constitution". Acknowlegding the fact that the queen was overthrown. Does notallow people the right not to pay taxes. I am sure this people who do not think they should pay taxes, still like to receive any form of government benefits ie roads, defense food saftey , airplane saftey.You may not be happy with what had happen in the past, but deal with what you got today. You live in the United Stated and that is not the worst place to leave.How many people in the state of Hawaii even agree with your position?

Peter Leinau
Jack Boyd Outdoor School
Fish Camp CA
glad to see you on the net! stayed big island summer 95& wish you all the best...

nick charles
san jose ca
not being able to afford a computer i have to use a public,free one. addresses. however i am in completeaccord with nationhood for hawai'i! hope it will happen befo 2000!! don ho for pres...

Douglas Mancill
Northern California
One of the more interesting web sites I have encountered

Michael Collins
Are you people loons?

Kathleen Webb
Milton, Washington, U.S.A.
I have read and have seen a film of how the U.S. took Hawaii by overthrowing the government and then illegally (very obviously) annexed it.As a U.S. resident, I am ashamed and appalled at their actions.However...please...I urge you to go carefully...go slowly...think everything through...try not to let emotions get carried away...make your message clear and sensible and responsible,and people will listen. If you resort to rhetoric and namecalling, people will close their's that simple. Pleasenever lose your sense of aloha, especially for those not of the same race. Many people besides Hawaiians call Hawaii home, and not all of them are haoles. Please consider theirfeelings and lives whatever you plan or decide. Also, please,for the sake of all, avoid racism at any cost. It is a horrorand a crime that many people of white descent have or areracists--but it can work both ways. Don't stoop to that level.There is a saying in the Bahamas from a poem--"when the oceanfence you in, all is kin." Please keep that in mind for allwho are presently living on the islands. I'm not presently sure yet what is best for the islands--total sovereignty or a "nation within a nation" status--but I know I would ratherlet the people of Hawaii work it out themselves than try to dictate what's best. I just long and pray that whatever do in love, care, and patience. And pray that God will guide you in whatever decisions you make. Queen Lilioukalaniwould have sought His guidance. Aloha to all in Christ's name.

Travis Maleko Martinson
College Student
Spokane, Washington
I was looking around on the computer for something from home and I thought I would check you guys out. I am very interested in the sovereignty movement and would like to hear more of what you have to say.


Elise S.Y. Young
Born and raised in Hawai'i and now living on the mainlandfor the past 9 years. Hawai'i will always be home. I support all your efforts for sovereignty.
Good Luck and keep me informed.

Theresa Lynnette Keohunani Neves Taber
Diverse Imaging Solutions
West Valley City Utah
I have enjoyed your websites tremendously. I have a very limited knowledge of the goine-on at "home", and am very honored that you have captured the true spirit of how important our Hawaiian culture is. I was born in Honolulu and many of my family is from Molokai, Kauai, and the Big Island-Hilo. Most of my years I grew up in California with long summers in Hawaii where we had to be dragged back to the mainland. I hope you don't mind that I add you to my favorites lists on my business pages. Thank You, Keo-

Pamela Catanach
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM
I was looking for the topic of Hawaiin mythology and did not find it. Do you have any suggestions?

Adrian Akiliano Wolf
Chicago Hawaii Club

Dan McCarthy
Government Agency
Boston, MA
Very Interesting reading about the Nation Of Hawaii.

Anne Gillis
The Connection Center
Memphis, TN
I just left a healing lecture given by a gentleman from Hawai'i. I found myself at your sight because I was trying to get the scoop on France's nuclear testing. I so enjoyed the letter I found here to the president of France. Thank you placing the protest letter on your homepage.

WIndy Chien
san francisco
i wish you good luck and peace.

Ysidro Duran
San Jose, CA
Keep on fighting!!! In the words of Emiliano Zapata, "It is better to die standing than to live a lifetime in one's knees."

Ben-Ezra Bautista
Kate Goes In Center
Enjoyed the information and pictures of your Native activities. Good networking.

Rajwinder Singh Mann
Boston University
Boston MA
Real cool site you have!! Was fun to look at.

Michael Daly III
Very good web page

Marian Kunetka
Arkansas Archeological Survey
Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA
Happy to see you on line!

Michelle Apo
University of Washington (student)
Washington State
It's really nice to know that when I want to know what is going on at home that I can just tap in on the schools computer and find out the latest thing going on

B.L. Bennett
Texas -- USA
I look forward to learning more from your pages.

Bert Garcia
I'm so glad to see a movement like yours finally inoperation. As you know, only the winners write historyand as such the cultural genocide committed against theHawaiian people, first by the Christian missionaries andafterwards by the government of the United States, mustnot go unchallenged. Enough is enough. You deserve tobe free! I support you wholeheartedly.

Carol Ann
It was great

Pier M. Larson
Penn State University
State College, PA
I enjoyed visiting your site.

Dina Y. Miller
I am looking for some specific information on the origin of the Hula Dance. How it originated? What dances are spiritual? And What dances aren't spiritual? I would appreciate, very much, if you could furnish me withsome references regarding this subject.

George O. A. Ka'aihue Jr.
Kauwahi Ana Ina Hawaii Hawaiian Civic Club Utah
ALOHA! The web page is beautiful. Keep all of us here on the mainland, informed on all the issue concerning "our" homeland. The information is great, we need to support all of our ohana in Hawaii. Let us know what we can do here in the states to support the independence issue, in which, to preserve not only our heritage, but, our culture and language. Imua.

Robert David Wolf

Andres Hernandez
TAAD Center
When I was stationed at Barbers Point, I realized just how littlethe native Hawaiians had. The island was mainly occupied by thearmed forces and tourists. It was terrible to see how the nativesof the islands were treated - mere subjects of enjoyment or asvirtual wage slaves. It's been a long time coming - Hawaii, like anyother U.S. possession robbed at gunpoint should be given back !!!

Robert Cameron Losey
Santa Monica Bay Cultural Center
Santa Monica, California
Very interested. Please keep me posted.

Robert Kawika Mahikoa III
northern california
Just thought I'd stop by and see what was going on back home. I see the conflicts are still raging on. As they say at USC, "FIGHT ON!"

IboAmerican Kurdish Information Network
Washington, D.C.
Very nice page! The Kurdish people also need such a beautiful resource to highlight their just strugglefor self-determination.
Freedom for all peoples,

Michael Swift
The Network Group
Brevard County, the Space Coast of FloridaMahalo for the visit. Its nothing like the real thing, but the islands are hard to top!

Michael L. Fay
Houston, Texas
This is an attractive Home Page. It is hard to imagine one of the fifty states is seeking nationhood. We will see what happens in the new Century.

Chrissen E.C. Gemmill
Grad student at Univ. of Colorado
I am very interested in the progress that is being made in the recognition of the Nation of Hawai'i.I lived in Hawai'i for many years (my family and best friends are still in Hawai'i) and I currently am working on the conservationof many of Hawai'i's unique endemic plants.

Marco A. Ramos Perez
I looooove Hawaii!!!

Paul Clark Behrend
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
I came across this site from a jumpoff point of the Onieda Nation of New York, which I accessed while visiting the home page of Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Community College. This is the first time I experienced RealAudio, and I really enjoy it. Anyways, thanks for all tha music and info about the attepted imprisonment of the President of the Soveriegn Nation of Hawai'i--kinda sounds like the same kinof thing tha feds have used against Leonard Peltier for the past twenty years. Thank god that they didn't suceed in imprisoning this guy as they have Leonard for so long on phoney evidence.......the music's great (i look forward to being able to listen to the 2.0 songs--the 1.0 one's sound a bit like stephen hawking's computer voice accompanied by a computer guitar.......later....

Julia White
A wonderful spot on earth. The plumeria will remain in my senses forever.

Robert Keli'iaumoana Stevens
Fort Lewis, Washington

Louisa Holmes
Spring Street Graphics
Ossining, NY
I loved visiting the state of Hawaii and am in favor of whatever is best for the islands and the people. I'm not sure that being a separate nation will really be better for Hawaii...after all the little nations in the world still have to cow tow to the super powers and now there are some benefits that statehood brings...but I'm no expert. In the meantime I'm proud to have Hawaii as one of the United is indeed a beautiful wonderful place and people too! I will put the land of Hawaii in my prayers

I'd never even heard of the Hawaiian separatist movement until just now. Don't really know what to make of it, butI do have to admit that your Consitution is a veryinteresting document, especially with regard to what isconsidered an inalienable right.You people seem sincere, and I do hope that things work outfor the best.

Rossie Ann Pohai Kealoha Miller (Crisafi)
Student of Fox Valley Tech College
Appleton, Wisconsin
I live in wisconsin now but I am originally from Kona. My brother passed away in Feb. 95 and that was the first time I was back to Kona since I graduated in 86.My classmate Andrea Akana died as well. I am really sad by these to deaths. I know that Andrea was intelligent and worked for OHA. I hope her hard work doesn't go to waste. I will try to keep updated of the situations going on in Kona. I search everyday for a chat line to the islands and everyday no success. I'll keep trying . Aloha pumehana.If anyone there knows how to say " where in the world are you going next week" in hawaiian, can you please e-mail me that information?

Robert A. Young
Columbia, S.C. USA Southeast US
Managed to spend 4 days in Hawaii on a return school exchange trip from Australia and loved it. Not enough time to do everything I wanted so I hope to return one day. Would love to travel to the outer islands and meet the people. Also want to attend a Hawaiian rodeo to see how they compare to the ones here.

Andre' Siedentopf
Born Free Enterprises
Northern California Republic (UKIAH)
Look forward to checking out WEB site, I am in the process of forming a Patriot group here with the California Freedom Coaltion. Thanks for your time. Born Free and plan to STAY that way!!!

Scott Jenkins
Baseview Products, Inc.
Ann Arbor, MI
Hawaiian culture must be preserved

Sharon Kaaihue Johnson
Santa Cruz, California
I'm graduate of Kam School, Class of '68. Any '68 grads out there??

Tad Makanalani Bumcrot
Hollister, California, USA!
I just wanted to say hi to all you folks out at Ka Lahui Hawai`i and a big ALOHA out to all at KCC!

Brenda McCurdy
I wish you all the best. I am behind you in spirit.

Richard Ginn
CyberNews net newswire
Ithaca, New York US
Thankyou for working for sovereignty, and for providing this site for us all to learn from!

Jeffrey Kuulei (Keawemauhili-Kamauoha) Renaud
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho
Aloha kakou!
Mahalo from the Hawaiians in Boise! Especially us college students at the university. I am happy to see the sovereignty movement but, not all Hawaiians agree. As one of the future leaders of our people, we must come to terms and reach a realistic view of Hawaii today not tomorrow or the time passed. If we don't come together then it's lost. I come from Laie, Hawaii and graduated from Kahuku High School. I wish everyone the best. A hui hou a e malama pono Jeff!

Edward D. Boland
Sybase Inc.
I am a frequent visitor to your wonderful nation. My parents live in Kehei and I have been aware of your struggle for quite a while. I have tried to enlighten others to your work, with limited success,now that I have found your web site I will point others in your direction. As you know, the majorityof US citizens are blissfully unaware of the overthrow of the Government and your current activities. This site can help. \
Good luck, I offer my support and labor..

Daniel A. Nainan
Burbank, CA
I am a computer consultant looking to move to Hawaii permanently.I am Asian and am often mistaken for a local while in Hawaii.

Matthew James Swarner
Kenai, Alaska
Very nice page. I will be sure to make the Nation of Hawai'i a link on my Alaska Independence page.

Stephen W. Delano
Dallas, Texas
Aloha, as a local boy (born in Honolulu, Queens Hosp.) I'm glad I found a place to come home to.Keep me posted on current events and whether there are any results in gaining our independance.Please put me on your mailing list. Mahalo

barbara zamora
nevada city cal
i was luckey enough to have lived in hawaii for little over a year,and loved every minuet of it!!!! am looking forward to my adventures here on the net.

Ross Randrup
My best wishes in your attempt to RESTORE your sovereignty. Many fine aloha feelings from magic time camp-out near kilauea. Whenever it rains I am reminded that the same rain falls on all us children, and I'm reminded of aloha blessings!

Tim S. Andaya
Southern Cal, USA
Keep da faith

Darren D. Wheeler
Heritage Preservation Association
Rockmart, Georgia
I can sympathize with your movement. We, here in theSouth, attempted independence, but lost in our attempt dueto a lost war from a subsequent invasion from our Yankeeoppressors.
I respect any and all person's desire for selfdetermination.

Ray Koziel
Roswell, Georgia
Fantastic page! It is encouraging to hear of how many of the States are trying to loose the yoke of the federal government! This Web page has great information on how Hawai'i is doing that! Good luck!

Sam Carneal
USA Mainland--Kentucky
Doing a great job. Plan to visit Hawaii in the near future

David L. Harris
Abilene, TX
I was born in Hawaii and I am trying find a way to come home.

Mark Walther
San Jose, CA. USA
Please place me on your email list if possible.I was born & raised in Hawai'i and miss my Ohana alot.Was part of the Waikane/Waihole farmer land fight years ago,but now watch other struggles from afar.(Very far)I'll support you $ when I can.
Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do.

David Hutton
Cheyenne, Wyoming USA
Nice web site, but your pictures are too big, you might consider JPG to speed things up.

Philip D. Van Riper
Highland Falls, NY
Greetings from _deep_ within the (snowbound) Hudson Highlands in New York State. As some of you may know from the recent Boardwatch article (spread over three pages), you guys have a very influential BBS out there. Of course anyone actually there in Hawai'i is likely much too busy lolling about on the beach to bother with electronic communications like this...or like Onipa'a BBS. But one never knows. Meanwhile, the message from here in snowplow city to my friends, ah, is onipa'a...persevere!!

G.A. 'Doc' Lemaster
Wholistic Health Research
Tucson, Arizona
I enjoy hearing of things in Hawaii as I have many friendsthere. 'Doc'

tome l. roubideaux
northern state university
north eastern south dakota
Nita kola, mi lakota zuya wicasa ne toka ole wicasa mitakuyapi wicsuya ki le " E ho' omua, no ka mea, he hana pono keia.
Let the voice of freedom be echo from the maya in chiapas, the yupic in the arctic,the plains of the dakotas, through the mountains of kohala, let's cry freedom!, and again freedom!

Richard Berger
Los Angeles
Having not been to Hawai'i in person for some time, I was delighted to find this page on the the WWW.I'm sure I'll visit the islands in the next year or two, with encouragement from your splendid work.

Marc Muller
Seattle, WA
It's nice to find news concerning home without having to spend $5.00 on a Honolulu Advertiser. I'll check on some more news another time.

Brad Falk
Luna Info Services
Los Angeles CA
Best Wishes

Pellissippi State College
Knoxville, TN
Most interesting; I found your page while researching acurious rumor in rural Georgia, that Hawaii had alreadybecome independent from the U.S. I was entirely unaware ofyour movement and assumed that the rumors were only "urbanfolklore." Now that I know of your existance, I will putyour organization on my list of S.M.O.'s for my studentsin my "Social Problems/Social Change" class. They must contact an S.M.O. as part of the class requirements

Bill Renna
New Mexico
Although I'm not the U.S. Corruptment, I recognize Hawai'ias an independent nation. Peace.

Kamanakealohakalani Barry Russell Sloat
The University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND
It is nice to see information of this nature on the web. Keep up the nice work. AS more people learn about The Nation of Hawai'i, the politicians will have to start doing something productive. Aloha, Kamanakealohakalani.

Brian & Donna Neil
Issaquah, WA USA
We have always enjoyed our visits to the Hawaiian Islands andlook forward to returning soon.

Geoffrey Feldman
Arlington, MA
I am not hawaiian, but I am familiar with your culture and yourhistory. I agree the nation of hawaii was taken by forceand subsequently abused by powers supported by the US government. My country can never achieve what it was meant too until it learns to focus on itself and not on others. You have my complete support.

brenda donovan
The Network Link, Inc. (TNL)
San Diego, CA
Wonderful pages... I'm enjoying the "visit". I haven't been over there since 1970.I'd like to go back someday.


"Barefoot" Bob Hardison
Idaho Citizen's Awareness Network (ICAN)
Coeur D'Alene, Idaho
Keep It Up! The Pressure Is On and The Tribes are Gathering!

Patrick Harris-Worthington
Minneapolis, MinnesotaLeft the Islands in 1986 for Monetary reasons, Miss it VERY MUCH
Your Page brings Many memories back

Erin S. Wayne
The Pennsylvania State University
I am doing a term paper on the Hawaiian's interest in obtaining sovereignty.It is a little difficult being across the country, if someone could give me a few good web sites I would greatly appreciate it. My interest in this comes from the fact that I have family in Pahoa on the big island, andmy boyfriend here at Penn State was born and raised in Curtistown. His mother works for the University of Hawaii, Hilo. It is a small world.
Thank you.

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